80 High-scoring Critical Thinking Essay Topics

To criticize someone does not solely mean disrespecting someone or highlighting their shortcomings.

When writing a critical thinking essay, it is important to analyze the critical thinking essay topics thoroughly and discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of the situation.

A recent research indicated that 52% of difficulties in academic writing lay in vocabulary and 47% in writing resources. Both of these might be important in choosing a critical essay topic.

The Challenges of Choosing Good Critical Thinking Topics

It is not that easy to shortlist some critical thinking topics for students. The topic they pick must have a plethora of data available for research and more. Here are common challenges of picking up critical essay topics for students.

Challenge in Critical Thinking Essay TopicsDescriptionPossible Solution
Overlapping of a topicFinding a unique angle for some critical analysis topics can be difficult as most of the topics are covered.Focus on fresh perspectives and lesser-known aspects of topics for critical essay.
Resources Depth of critical thinking paper topicsLess availability of primary and secondary resources for in-depth analysis.Pick a topic that has a plethora of credible references available.
Relevance and Personal InterestDifficulty in balancing personal interest in topics for critical thinking with academic relevance.Choose a topic that covers personal passion and academic importance
Critical Topics’ ScopeThe topic may be too broad or too narrow.Refine the topic you select.
Originality of the critical essay topicsThe topic has to allow original thoughts.Brainstorm unique angles

During my high school time, I had a very hard time figuring out a topic for my critical thinking essay. I could have gone with Shakespeare’s stuff like others but that would be too much for me.

All I needed was something different and very unique in my shortlisted critical thinking essay topics. After spending hours in the library and discussing with my colleagues and professor, I finally thought about going with mental health and society expectations.

As I took a lot of time finding this topic, I knew where to research it and how to find the supporting evidence. All in all, the essay went very well and helped me secure top scores. Hence you should take your time with choosing critical thinking topics for students.

80 Interesting Critical Thinking Essay Topics

Here are 100 topics for critical thinking you can count on for writing a killer critical thinking essay.

20 New Critical Thinking Topics For Students

This is the first list of critical thinking paper topics that has some very unique and easy-to-research critical analysis topics.

  1. How is social media impacting our relationships and self-esteem?
  2. The causes and effects of income inequality.
  3. Effective ways of reducing gun violence these days.
  4. Ways to ensure pay equity in an organizational setup.
  5. How are climate change and equity related?
  6. Working ways of preventing racial profiling.
  7. Different ways to ensure access to healthcare.
  8. How can we deal with the refugee crisis well?
  9. Discussing the challenges in learning for students with autism these days.
  10. What are the reasons behind youth homelessness?
  11. The negative impact of mass incarceration.
  12. How can we address education equity well?
  13. The historical injustices of indigenous rights.
  14. Effective ways to analyze barriers to disability rights?
  15. Different ways to examine stereotypes and promote respect.
  16. The causes of food insecurity these days.
  17. How to address the mental health stigma effectively?
  18. Ways to end human trafficking.
  19. The hurdles in the way of clean water access for all.
  20. Effective ways to ensure digital privacy.

20 Critical Thinking Essay Topics Related to Technology

Still couldn’t shortlist some topics for critical essay? Don’t fret as we have more critical essay topics for you here.

  1. The ethical considerations of using AI.
  2. How can we assure privacy in this digital age?
  3. Effective strategies that we can employ against cybersecurity threats.
  4. Will automation take all of the human jobs?
  5. The challenges of interconnected devices.
  6. The access to technology and internet connectivity these days.
  7. What should we know about the ethical implications of biometric technology?
  8. The difference between Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).
  9. What are the ethical implications of using big data?

Hopefully, you are having a good time going through our list of critical thinking topics for discussion. Keep on reading as more of such critical thinking essay topics from a professional paper writing service are coming your way.

  1. The Disadvantages of Quantum Computing.
  2. How is social media breaching our online privacy? 
  3. The benefits and risks of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology.
  4. The concept and principles of Digital Rights Management (DRM).
  5. The impact of surveillance technologies on civil liberties and privacy.
  6. How can we ensure ethics in biotechnology?
  7. How can we explore the benefits and challenges of integrating technology? 
  8. Assessing the implications of wearable devices on health, privacy, and society.
  9. The regulatory challenges of autonomous vehicles.
  10. The potential and limitations of 5G Technology.
  11. The psychological impact of digital addiction on students. 

10 critical thinking essay topics related to the environment

There are so many things you can choose for a critical thinking essay on the environment. Here’s a list of critical thinking topics for discussion in this category.

  1. The negative impact of climate change on human beings.
  2. The consequences of deforestation we should know about.
  3. Is plastic pollution too dangerous for human survival in the future?
  4. The transition to renewable energy sources and overcoming challenges.
  5. The causes and implications of biodiversity decline.

You would already have noticed that most critical topics are debatable and open to differing points of view. Here are more essay topics:

  1. The bad impact of excessive Co2 emissions.
  2. The concept of sustainable agriculture.
  3. The challenges of water scarcity and solutions.
  4. The most common sources of air pollution.
  5. How is ecosystem restoration possible these days?

20 Interesting Topics for Critical Essay

An interesting critical topic can make your piece enticing to read. Here’s another list of critical thinking essay topics you can consider.

  1. How is mental illness portrayed in literature?
  2. How is social media shaping political discourse?
  3. What students usually miss out on when collecting resources for how to write an autobiography well.
  4. How is technology influencing human relationships?
  5. The negative representation of gender in movies.
  6. How has language evolved and what is its cultural significance?
  7. Things we should know about the psychology of conspiracy theories.
  8. How are religion and politics interacting these days?
  9. Things we should know about environmental racism.
  10. The ethics of animal testing biotechnicians must know.
  11. How does advertising impact consumer behavior?
  12. Things we must know about the philosophy of happiness.
  13. How is cybersecurity possible in the digital age?
  14. How can parenting style influence child development?
  15. Discussing the efficiency of healthcare systems.
  16. The Economics of Healthcare: Assessing the efficiency and equity of healthcare systems.
  17. How is food of cultural significance in different societies?
  18. How is race represented in contemporary art?
  19. How is globalization impacting cultural diversity?
  20. The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence.

10 Critical Thinking Topics for Discussion Related to Culture

Researching culture could be a great idea. Here are some critical thinking essay topics related to culture.

  1. The disadvantages of cultural appropriation in fashion.
  2. Effective strategies to preserve endangered languages.
  3. How to cope with the cultural stereotypes in the media?
  4. The relationship between globalization and cultural homogenization.
  5. Analyzing Cultural Relativism vs. Universalism.
  6. The challenges of Indigenous Cultural Preservation and successes in maintaining traditions.
  7. Different types of cultural assimilations in Immigration.
  8. Is cultural heritage conservation even possible these days?
  9. How is multiculturalism working in Education?
  10. The role of culture in international relations and diplomacy.

Useful Resources for Students

Students can check out these important resources to improve their critical thinking abilities before shortlisting a topic or two.

  1. You can watch videos on Youtube about how to be a creative thinker.
  2. You can go through this book The Foundation for Critical Thinking by Richard W. Paul, Linda Elder to improve your understanding.
  3. You can also go through the critical thinking flowchart to improve your understanding.

Critical Thinking Process Flowchart

Final Thoughts

To be able to write a good critical thinking essay, you must be able to start well with a good topic. A good topic will not only get you on the right track but will also help you find ample resources to convey your ideas well. Going through a critical thinking essay example is also a way to learn the art of choosing a topic for one. All in all, this article was all about letting you know of interesting and unique critical thinking essay topics to work on.

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