A Complete Guide To Writing Nursing Paper For Medical Students

Medical students have to endure countless hardships during their tenure in the college. Among them, the difficult one is writing a nursing paper on a topic related to their field. It’s not just about composing words after going through the research. It relates to their future learning and demonstrating professionalism in their nursing career.

Don’t worry if this explanation seems daunting or a deal-breaker! Today, we will embark on a journey to understand this topic deeply from within. We will learn why these nursing topics are so complicated and how we can write them without any trouble. Furthermore, we will discuss the importance of evidence-based practice for nursing students. The bonus will be the medical topics that are sure to broaden the extent of your knowledge. Without further ado, let’s get ready!

What Is a Nursing Paper? (What’s All The Fuss About)

A nursing paper is an assignment given to medical students to develop their understanding of clinical practices. They go through the topic under the strict guidelines from the American School of Nursing & Allied Health. By doing this, they collect vital information related to this field and equip themselves with practical knowledge prior to starting a professional career.

Since it’s a critical care profession that revolves around saving human lives, therefore it requires mistake-free decision-making. Every nursing professional must be equipped with nerves of steel because they cannot perform their job without it. Nursing assignments tend to challenge the student’s comfort zone and take them out of it. That’s why these learners require nursing paper writing service to complete their assignments appropriately.

Different Types of Nursing Papers

There are different types of nursing papers for medical students depending on the discipline they choose. Like medical science that has various branches, similarly, nursing has many types that are explained below.

  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing
  • Medical Nursing
  • Nephrology Nursing
  • Hepatology Nursing
  • Ophthalmology Nursing
  • Endocrinology Nursing
  • Neurology Nursing
  • Psychiatric Nursing
  • Orthopedic Nursing
  • Pulmonology Nursing
  • Oncology Nursing
  • Radiology Nursing
  • Dental Nursing
  • Emergency Nursing
  • Dermatology Nursing

How to Write a Nursing Research Paper?

It’s not easy to write a nursing paper without appropriate professional tips. Each word of nursing students is critically examined with a critical eye. They need to understand the subject and patient care that will be provided later in their profession. 

Let’s start learning the basics of writing a nursing assignment from scratch. It will be the best guide you’ll ever get in your career.

Understand the Prompt and Requirements

The first step that every student overlooks is not understanding the assignment prompt. A half-hearted look at the essay prompt is bad for your grades. If a student doesn’t understand or read what the assignment or their professor wants from them, it’s impossible to make it as required from them.

Secondly, every assignment has some requirements, such as making it on a specific disease or patient type. Similarly, your professor might want to assess your knowledge on the latest nursing guidelines or new major breakthroughs in patient care, etc. Here’s how you can improve your practices by following these steps:

  • Don’t just read your prompt but chew on it. Read at least three times to have knowledge from all perspectives.
  • Ask your professor promptly before you start your assignment blindly
  • Evaluate your skills in comparison with the demands of the topic
  • In case where you feel it will overwhelm you, ask your professor to change the subject.
  • Many students who have pre-existing phobias such as hemophobia should avoid such topics that discuss blood or anything related to its types. 
  • If you’re more interested in patient education than direct patient care, then you should discuss this with your professor to assign you topics related to that discipline.

Understanding the requirements also helps your professor to make an accurate judgment about your work. Since your task is about how you’ll cope with real-world pressure when helping or caring for patients, you must demonstrate your best skills at your subject. 

Choose a Nursing Research Paper Topic

The second step is choosing a topic that helps you present your stance on a subject. Whether it’s a topic you’ve been given or chosen, it has to justify your skills and capabilities as a certified nurse or medical practitioner. Your subject should be broad and can accommodate new research or findings to modify guidelines or challenge the existing ones.

In picking a topic, students must remember to do this process by targeting a niche that helps them navigate in one direction rather than all over the place. Subject selection is difficult if you’re doing it on your own, especially for new students. It’s a time-consuming one. To overcome your shortcomings in this part, you should brainstorm the topics that excite not only you but also your audience.

Secondly, for subject selection, you can explore new books, medical journals or articles related to nursing and patient care. Since patient care is a discipline that’s evolving continuously, therefore choosing a topic that talks about best nursing practices may take the crown. Here we will present an example of a topic related to nursing that may help you in this process:

Nursing Care in Type-1 Diabetics

Having a topic that has plenty of research available will help you broaden your investigation into a multi-faceted one. If you choose a topic that can only accommodate narrow or single-sided research, it’s better to choose a new one. Your subject is your hallmark so you must choose one that helps you expand your knowledge base and skill set. After the selection of the topic, you should move on to the research section.

Start Your Investigation

Research in nursing papers is pivotal to your success. To start your investigation into your topic, you must take a deep dive into reading books to gather credible sources. Research can be divided into two or three sections depending on the nature of the investigation and requirements. Here we will discuss the research methods that students will employ in making their nursing papers.

Research Methods For Nursing Papers

The first step for students is to gather primary sources of research methods. This part includes reading books, journals, and articles directly related to your topic and its outcomes. Since it’s the most valuable part of your investigation, you should give it ample time for appropriate evidence collection. Primary research sources are the ones that are written by doctors or physicians, medical experts etc. Adding these pieces of evidence makes your assignment paper strong and authentic.

In cases where it’s impossible to acquire primary data, you may gather secondary research sources. Secondary sources or evidence is the one that is based on primary evidence, reviews, interviews and expert’s opinion are its examples.

Sometimes your topic requires you to add secondary evidence to support primary research or evidence. This is known as consolidating your arguments in academic practices. So it’s essential to add both research sources in your nursing paper.

For higher education in nursing subjects where they are working alongside medical professionals, adding tertiary sources of research is a plus. Your three-way research supports your arguments and covers all the logic to strengthen your stance on the subject.

After you collect primary, secondary and tertiary sources of research, organize them according to their category. This way you’ll know where to use these evidences and understand their effective usage.

Develop Your Thesis Statement

Researching provides you with the ground for developing your thesis statement. Your thesis sentence is your short research-based answer on your research question. Without doing good research, you won’t be able to compose it. After having sufficient information, you may narrow down the answer into a few lines. Your entire paper will be based on it. In making a thesis statement, do remember the following points:

  • It should be between one or a maximum of two lines
  • Make it using persuasive words so your readers can grab the core idea without going through the entire content
  • Place your thesis statement in the introduction paragraph
  • Your entire paper must be based on your premise statement. Every argument and evidence should point to it.

After developing a thesis statement, you may start working on your paper’s content. A thesis sentence example may look like this if you’re working on your nursing paper.

“IDF (International Diabetes Federation) and ADA (American Diabetes Association) both agree that Type-2 Diabetics have three-fold risk of developing “Nephropathy” within five years of diagnosis”.

By following the above example, you can easily make a premise statement for your paper.

Write the Introduction Paragraph

The introduction part is where you need to make a difference. It’s the first writing part of your paper that will be seen and read by your professors and peers. Therefore, it must be good and thought-provoking. A nursing essay’s introduction contains three parts, a hook sentence, background information and a thesis statement. These parts of the intro’s outline are essential and help you present your opinion on the topic.

A hook sentence is the first sentence at the start of the paper and captures your reader’s attention quickly. It can be a quote, fact, historical information or thought-provoking statement. Its primary job is to make your readers stay on the page so they feel excited about the information you added in the paper.

Background information is where you provide information related to your topic’s history. Here you must inform your audience about the existence of the problem and the need for a solution. With historical context, it’s easy for your readers to understand the issue and show interest in finding its solution.

The last part is a thesis statement that we already talked about and it will be placed after providing a background to your readers. Let’s have a look at a nursing paper introduction example on “Diabetes”.

“According to the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), 90% of diabetics are suffering from CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). From 1812 diabetes was classified as a disease but there was no information available related to its treatment and onset. In 1979 the classification and its mechanism was understood by physicians in America and the UK. Now diabetes is the leading cause of ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) around the world with more than 10 million deaths every year”.

Add Your Arguments in Body Paragraph(s)

The body part is where you must add your arguments and supporting evidence. Your academic challenges start here and end here. An immaculate body paragraph guarantees your dominance over the subject under discussion. Medical students need to structure their papers in a specific, organized form that helps them convey their opinions.

Academic learners may start the body paragraph of their nursing assignment with a topic sentence that summarizes the entire content in one line. By reading this sentence, your audience knows what’s inside the paragraph and its content.

Key Points to Remember while composing body section

  • Topic sentence should start your paragraph and must be relatable to your thesis statement.
  • After writing this sentence, break it down and explain each point with evidence.
  • Evidence that you’ve collected from books, journals, articles or online videos must be mentioned here. You must back your argument with the evidence collected from the sources mentioned above.
  • Presenting evidence is not as important as analyzing it and proving your point. You might want to challenge the findings. Hence you must present your analysis on it.
  • If you have plenty of evidence, add them one by one and comment on them similarly.
  • Use transitions to connect two different ideas or continuation of your narrative.

Have a look at a mock example of a nursing research paper for a better understanding:

“Since the 1960s diabetes has caused a rapid increase in mortality and comorbidity in patients. On average, diabetics live 15 to 20 years less than non-diabetics. ADA (American Diabetes Association) conducted a study in 2001 that provides mean results that prove Diabetics live 8 years less than non-diabetics. Diabetes is the biggest reason for MI (Myocardial Infarction) and ACD (Acute Coronary Disease).

Moreover, Diabetes costs American insurance companies more than 25$ Billion every year in treatments. With continuous evolution in diagnostics and biotechnology in detecting early onset, diabetes is spreading rapidly. IDF (International Diabetes Federation) has predicted that by 2030, there will be a 12% increase in patients suffering from diabetes.

While many healthcare governing bodies like WHO, IDF, EASD and ADA are doing their best, it’s still not enough. UKPDS and ADVANCE-ON studies have shown quantitative results in which the majority of diabetics have no or less information regarding their disease. These results highlight the importance and value a “Diabetes Educator” can play in spreading valuable information to patients.

The benefits of a medical check-up with your physician are important, but a home visit by a diabetes educator can help in overcoming this pandemic. In France, it’s mandatory for patients to have a weekly home appointment with an educator. That’s a primary reason France has seen a 13% decline in hospitalization of diabetics in 2013.

Based on the above discussion, we can safely conclude that Diabetes is a global pandemic. Healthcare bodies are doing their best to curb its damages by issuing new guidelines and approval of new medicines such as “Semaglutide” , “DPP4” inhibitors and “Sulfonylureas”.  Along with physicians, diabetes educators can prevent the severity and further complications of this disease.

Add a Conclusion

A conclusion summarizes the paper’s discussion in one paragraph by a few techniques that we will mention here. To start a nursing assignment’s conclusion, you must restate your thesis statement and provide a connection between the intro, body and its ending. 

Secondly, a summary of the main discussion provides your audience with an overview of the entire story. Even if they missed an important point of the topic, they can read it in the summary of the main points. A conclusion provides you an opportunity for a last chance to persuade your readers and convince them of your stance. 

Common mistakes that might make your concluding paragraph powerless are mentioned below:

  • Using repetitive words, same as used in the above paragraphs.
  • Don’t force your audience but persuade them through evidence and their significance.
  • Use new words but don’t change your narrative because changing the narrative will also change the context.
  • A closing statement should not be your thesis statement but your personal opinion based on your research. Avoid repetition in making this part redundant.

An example of a mock conclusion

“In this paper, we have seen multiple results that point to premature deaths in diabetics regardless of the medication used. Diabetes does result in complications like nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, macro and microvascular complications. The role of primary care physicians, endocrinologists and diabetes educators is more important than anyone else. By making mandatory home visits, diabetes educators can help in managing diabetes and informing patients on the consequences of this disease.” 

Student attendants can follow this example and effortlessly write amazing research in nursing paper.

Choosing Appropriate Citation Style

The last part of writing a nursing research paper is choosing the appropriate citation style. This format style guides you on how to cite sources you’ve collected in APA or MLA. The most commonly used citation format is APA (American Psychological Association) and then MLA (Modern Language Association).

Nursing Papers Unveiled: Impact and Significance

Students need to understand the academic importance of nursing papers. These assignments played a significant role in their medical understanding and development of professionalism. Let’s discuss this topic thoroughly:

Importance of Nursing Papers in Student’s Life

Medical assignments are the most important factor in a student’s life. They help develop thoughts and provide opportunities to research and understand disease and its treatment. An assignment for medical nursing students plays the following role in their lives.

  • Providing hands-on experience in understanding the subject matter from a practitioner’s point of view.
  • It provides them with in-depth information on a particular topic and lets them brainstorm.
  • Promotes medical knowledge that will be pivotal in their clinical practices and patient care.
  • Enhancing problem solutions without wasting time.
  • Understanding the critical needs of patients and managing them appropriately.
  • Preparing students beforehand so they perform better in real-world or healthcare practice.
  • Finding better treatment prophylaxis and helping in the continual improvement of medical care.
  • Working with Medical Specialists and learning from their experiences

These are some of the important roles these medical assignments play in students’ lives.

Exploring Trending Nursing Paper Topics

If you’re searching for the best subjects for your nursing assignment, end your search here. Thoroughly check this list and choose any one of your likings that fulfills the criteria.

20+ Interesting Nursing Paper Topics

  1. Managing patients in an oncology ward
  2. Treatment for ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome)
  3. How to care for a first-degree burn patient?
  4. Metabolic acidosis in CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) patients
  5. Five basic rules of blood transfusion
  6. Treatment prophylaxis for skin lesions
  7. Protocols for Covid-19 patients
  8. Use of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) in medical facility
  9. Fundamentals of Dialysis Center
  10. DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) and its protocols of treatment
  11. Snake bites and use of anti-venom in standing urgent care and medical emergency
  12. Food poisoning and its treatment
  13. Supervision of cannabis usage in patients suffering from cancer
  14. Managing patient care in remote areas
  15. AIDS and patient care
  16. Orthopedic patient care and mobility issues
  17. Misuse of drugs by medical staff
  18. Responsibilities of nursing staff
  19. Sexual relationships between nurses 
  20. Clinical malpractices and how to avoid it
  21. Inaccurate physician’s assessment and tackling it 
  22. Rapid plasma glucose checkup
  23. Treating patients of STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease)
  24. Needs of rape victims in a healthcare facility
  25. Psychological support to patients 

Check this out, we have written 200 Nursing topics to help you better understand.

These carefully curated topics will help you find your niche in medical nursing assignments. Help yourself by choosing anyone and make a powerful impact on your class.

Integrating Evidence-Based Practice in Your Paper

It’s vital for students to establish evidence-based practice in nursing papers and create an effective plan to implement them in their work. There are many ways you can achieve the best results by following them:

  • Take guidelines from CMDT (Current Medical Treatment & Diagnosis).
  • Regularly visit the website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for new practice guidelines.
  • Apply for membership in the Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section. You can get authentic resources of practice and take notes of them for using them in your assignment.
  • Read CDC (Center for Disease Control) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) guidelines on different disease treatment protocols and latest trials.

You can easily apply evidence-based practice in nursing papers by visiting these sources.

Nurturing Ideas: Crafting Pediatric Nursing Papers

Pediatrics is a field of medical science that deals with treating diseases that affect children up to the age of 16 years. It’s the same as treating general patients who are adults but treatment protocols here change due to the less potent immune systems of children and neonates. Similarly, pediatric nursing papers are the backbone of innovation and new drug introduction. Nursing students who like to practice in the pediatric department need to work twice as hard as in the general medicine department.

Additionally, pediatric nursing papers present new challenges, and students must be able to withstand them. A small mistake can have catastrophic outcomes. Hence students are required to do 6 months of supervision work with trained nurses before they are allowed to practice alone.

Guide to Geriatric Nursing Papers

Similar to pediatrics, geriatrics nursing papers are equally challenging. In medical science, geriatrics deals with patients older than 60 or 65 years. These patients require special care because of their age and vulnerability to getting sick quickly due to weaker immune systems.

To make geriatric nursing papers with absolutely no mistakes, students must spend a few hours in this speciality. Students may take notes from their ward visits, review each case and brainstorm for the best treatment and care solutions. Students are more likely to adopt best practices by doing this every day.

Ethics in Nursing Papers: Navigating Moral Dilemmas

Composing medical assignments challenges your skills and knowledge and offers a view for moral perspectives. There are many ethical considerations in nursing papers that students must adhere to. These reservations include the following points:

  • Always use scientific data from reputable sources.
  • Never claim anything without properly identifying the nature and results of the research.
  • Only use sources after getting prior authorization to use them in your nursing paper.
  • Patient care always comes first, regardless of the nature or conflicts in medical treatment.
  • Always acquiring and using patient data with signed and attested papers for research purposes and informing them of all the intricacies.
  • Never copy data or details of other students’ work to use in your research paper unless your professor allows it.

Nursing learners must adhere to these ethical considerations in nursing papers. Following these principles and moralities serve their profession well and make them honest in their work.

Avoid These Mistakes While Writing Your Research Paper on Nursing

Students make many mistakes when they start a research paper on nursing. Some of the common ones are mentioned below:

  • Using irrelevant data
  • Not doing thorough research
  • Not having enough understanding of the disease
  • Making assumptions on disease prognosis without evidence
  • Using proprietary research without authorization
  • Selecting a topic out of discipline or nature of scope
  • Using plagiarized content
  • Adding disputed research with dubious record
  • Non-adherence to academic rules and guidelines provided by your professor

Abstract Writing for Nursing Papers

An abstract is your summary of the entire research, it’s a concise 300 to 600 words section. Nursing paper abstracts are sometimes lengthier than typical research papers. Here is an example of this section:

“Diabetes causes various types of disease that range from macro and micro vascular ones to metabolic. This research paper has acquired data from IDF and EASD and came to a conclusion that more than 80% of patients suffer premature deaths and renal failures. The data acquisition method is quantitative with retrospective diagnosis and diagnostic tests such as eGFR, Random Blood Serum and Fasting Blood Serum Testing kits in use. Majority of the patients have elevated serum glucose level 240 mg/dl or above. eGFR of 92% patients was between 60ml/min that puts them on stage 3 CKD. It’s evident that diabetes causes mortality and renal failure.”

It’s hard for students to compose nursing paper abstracts from scratch. This mock example will help them in the long term.

Perfecting Your Nursing Paper: Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading is the last thing you must consider when making last-minute changes to your content. Polishing your nursing paper helps you present your opinion clearly and concisely without vague statements.


Writing a nursing paper is only possible when students know all the medical details of this profession. Our guide provides you with sufficient medical details related to this subject. Read it carefully, and you’ll be able to create amazing assignments for medical class. This expert’s guide helps to overcome the gaps in this field by allowing students to jump-start the learning process.

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