250 Plus Interesting High School Research Topics to Rock your Paper

Everyone including our expert paper writers understand what you’re going through!

Writing a research paper is hard but selecting an appropriate topic that interests all of your readers is even harder. Here’s the solution that will save you from hours of combing through data.

In this post, we have assembled lists of over 250 plus high school research paper topics that will get your creative juices flowing with additional work. 

So, stick around till the end to find your favorite topic that WILL help you secure that top grade.

Impressive High School Research Paper Topics from 8 Different Fields

Let us spill the real tea! Composing a research paper without the right topic is a recipe for disaster. But how do we know if the topic we have chosen is right?

Simple, before picking a topic, look for the following characteristics;

  • your topic must compliment your and your reader’s interest.
  • The chosen topic must be easily understood by the readers 
  • It must have enough existing data on it, so there are no issues while citing a paper
  • The topic must check all your academic requirements. 
  • An ideal research paper should have a practically applicable topic
  • Lastly, the right topic aligns with your specified deadline. 

With these measures, you can easily pick the right topic for yourself. Speaking of which, we’ve got tons of cool stuff for you to check out, so let’s jump right in!

Research Paper Topics related to Mental Health (Health research paper topics)

If you want to work on a high school research paper about mental health, these topics could be a great place to start.

  • Is mental health a hindrance for some people to interact with technology?
  • Measures that assure the safety of mental health problems.
  • Virtual therapies vs Physical therapies.
  • The effect of obesity on mental health.
  • The symptoms of mental illness in family members.
  • Main causes of anorexia.
  • Ways to deal with post-traumatic stress.
  • The truth behind the statement’ mental illness is more prevalent in men than women.’
  • Can we regard ADHD as a mental illness?
  • Is OCD a mental illness?
  • Drug abuse and its side effects on mental health.
  • Different tested ways of proving ADHD.
  • The most effective ways of overcoming low self-esteem.
  • How does marijuana affect the mental health of an addict?
  • Reasons why depression pills must be regulated.
  • Understanding post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • How does poverty affect mental health?
  • Ways to improve brain health.
  • Side effects of antidepressants.
  • Indicators of mental illness.
  • Mental illness of soldiers returning from War.
  • How is mental illness portrayed in the media?
  • Understanding the difference between sadness and depression.
  • Mental illness in the age of toxic internet culture.
  • How are violence and mental illness connected?
  • Why do people with mental illness find it hard to socialize?
  • The challenges of a psychiatric nursing career.
  • Effectiveness of antidepressants to cope with depression.
  • How can classical music help in treating mental illness?

High School Research Paper Topics Related to Science (argumentative research paper topics)

If you’re a high school student looking for a science research topic, you’re in luck! There’s always something new to explore in the beautiful world of science. Check out any of the following ideas for a good research paper topic.

  • Reasons why COVID-19 is deadlier than Influenza.
  • How are meteorites affecting the universe?
  • The misconceptions regarding Pluto.
  • Understanding the supernova.
  • Is it true that Mars has water?
  • What do we need to know about the Big Bang Theory?
  • Different viruses in the modern world.
  • Understanding the DNA and its functionalities.
  • The impact of acid rains on earth.
  • Oil spills and their effect on the ecology.
  • What should we know about global warming?
  • Understanding the extinction of coral reefs.
  • Digging deep to understand green cities.
  • What Does the Future of 3D Printing Look like?
  • Are fertilizers harmful to human health?
  • Understanding the contamination of soils.
  • How do the shortages of water look in the modern world?
  • The effective ways of keeping ice from defrosting.
  • Music and its effects on your assimilation ability.
  • Do soil worms impact the plant’s growth?
  • How can food affect the heart?
  • Important innovations in medicinal chemistry.
  • How to restrict the use of antibiotics in agriculture?
  • Why is it challenging to eliminate malaria?
  • Ideal weight for living a long life.
  • How severe is a migraine for human health?
  • Understanding the different types of headaches.
  • Analyzing the learning ability of mice.
  • What type of food does a dog prefer the most?
  • Understanding dark matter and black holes.
  • What will a commercial space flight look like?
  • Reasons why water boils faster when we pour salt into it?
  • Is it possible for humans to live in space?
  • The use of nanotechnology in medicine.
  • The role of nanofibers in repairing brain injuries.
  • Why is it challenging to eliminate malaria?
  • Has there ever been life on Mars?

High School Research Topics Related to Education

If you’re into education, consider developing an interesting research topic for high school students. Speaking of which, some persuasive research paper topics could work as a starting point.

  • Understanding why students should receive advanced mental help in colleges?
  • Higher education in Europe vs Higher education in the US.
  • What essential role does collaboration play in higher education?
  • Ethnic minorities in American Universities.
  • Things to know about the Liberal Arts Education 2021.
  • What role does a video game play in developing a child’s memory?
  • Improving cognitive qualities via playing.
  • Individual studying vs group studying.
  • The significance of school mindfulness lessons. 
  • E-books vs printed books.
  • Computer literacy and its challenges.
  • Why do students perceive writing research papers as a daunting task?
  • School bullying and its dark side.
  • Reasons why special education teachers must be entitled to receive higher pay?
  • Private school vs Homeschooling.
  • Understanding the concept of third-world countries
  • Does homework lift students’ learning?
  • Is paper writing help actually helpful for the students? 
  • How are teachers voluntary parent figures for students?
  • Ways to avoid the use of an illicit substance in school.
  • The significance of older students interacting with younger children.
  • Ways to prevent school violence.
  • Analyzing the causes of boredom in the classroom.
  • The challenges of social distancing during a pandemic.
  • How is technology impacting early childhood literacy?
  • How effective are educational games in enhancing learning?
  • The effect of psychological development on students’ learning.
  • Using psychological techniques for improving language skills.
  • The importance of socialization among children.
  • Reasons students feel anxious and stressed.
  • The process of conflict resolution on college campuses.
  • The impact of globalization on higher education.
  • Academic difficulties that online students face.
  • The pros and cons of an online learning environment.

High School Research Paper Topics Related to World History

History can be fascinating, and there are many excellent topics to pick from. If you’re into history and want to learn more, check out these excellent world history research topics for high school!

  • The miserable life of peasants in Medieval Times.
  • Understanding social stratification.
  • A comparative analysis of World War I and World War II
  • Recent historical developments in China.
  • Shedding lights on Jamaican history.
  • What do we need to know about South African apartheid?
  • Significant events of the Ottoman Empire.
  • The Pearl Harbor Fiasco.
  • Analyzing the history of the Mughal Empire.
  • Reviewing the American Civil War.
  • What do we need to know about French Revolution
  • The intellectual level of people living in the Middle Ages.
  • The concept of religion in Ancient Greece.
  • Factors that led to the American Revolution.
  • Political causes of the French Revolution.
  • The causes and consequences of the Mexican War.
  • Analyzing the Watergate scandal.
  • The Indo-China War 1967.
  • The most prolonged War ever fought by America
  • Reasons behind the fall of the US military operation in Vietnam.
  • The Lawrence of Arabia.
  • Picturing Nazi Germany.
  • Main Reasons that led to World War II.

High School Research Paper Topics Related to Entrepreneurship

Many high schoolers need help thinking of ideas for an entrepreneurship research paper. To help them, we put together this list of potential topics. 

  • The effects of entrepreneurism on economic growth.
  • How effective is cloud technology for entrepreneurship?
  • Personality traits of a successful entrepreneur.
  • What are the significant drivers of entrepreneurial growth?
  • Strategies of investors for procuring top entrepreneurs.
  • The advantages of becoming an entrepreneur.
  • Understanding the functioning of crowdsourcing.
  • How are taxes impacting the decisions of entrepreneurs?
  • Alternative marketing tactics for small-scale food entrepreneurs.
  • Understanding entrepreneurship as a long-term solution to unemployment.
  • How must the government support students pursuing entrepreneurship?
  • The effect of fiscal policies on entrepreneurship.
  • Skills and qualities of a brilliant entrepreneur.
  • Problems that entrepreneurs are facing globally.
  • Entrepreneurism vs Regular job.
  • Important personality traits to become a good entrepreneur.
  • Why should you become an entrepreneur?
  • Different ways of mitigating common risks in entrepreneurship.
  • Reasons adults are pursuing entrepreneurialism with passion.
  • How are technological advancements impacting entrepreneurship?
  • Common challenges a new entrepreneur faces.

High School Research Paper Topics Related to Music (interesting research topics)

Lots of teens get motivated by music, so why not pick out some music-related topics for that high school research paper? Here you go with the list.

  • The effect of music on the human brain.
  • The evolution of rap music.
  • Reasons why jazz feels so great.
  • Arabic music and its history.
  • The effect of Chinese music on nearby countries??
  • The effect of music on your productivity.
  • The role of music in eradicating stress.
  • What do we need to know about ancient ballads?
  • Does music help in relieving stress?
  • Music in ancient Egypt.
  • How women are impacting classical music.
  • The use of music for educational purposes.
  • How music helps you to concentrate better?
  • How can music help you learn foreign languages?
  • Analyzing the music for studying.

High School Research Paper Topics related to Finance (Business research paper topics)

Figuring out the best finance topics can be challenging, so we did some digging and assembled a great selection of economic research paper topics for you. Here you go with another list of research paper ideas.

  • How are corporate bonds a source of financing?
  • Understanding venture capital financing.
  • Analyzing systematic corporate risk.
  • How to plan the capital structure of a corporation?
  • Methods for developing the corporate investment policy.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions.
  • Motives behind corporate mergers.
  • How is bankruptcy a way of restructuring a corporation?
  • Understanding the concept of Financial Management.
  • How is financial literacy affecting the global economy?
  • How can e-money influence the world finance market?
  • The global financial crisis
  • The development of the securities market in the 21st century.
  • How can we prevent the emergence of financial shocks?
  • The derivatives of financial engineering.
  • Characteristics of financial control.
  • How is finance playing a role in social reproduction?
  • Understanding the concept of bank loans.
  • Ways to evaluate the effectiveness of financial management.
  • Exchange rate fluctuations and their impact on foreign economic activity.
  • The essence of leasing – what do we need to know?
  • Ways to develop a sound financial plan for the organization.
  • Different methods of calculating interest.
  • Significance of monetary policy.
  • How are funds playing a role in solving social problems?
  • Understanding risk management in the financial sector.

High School Research Paper Topics Related to Information Technology 

Information Technology (IT) is a part of everyday life, so staying up-to-date on the latest and greatest is important. Check out these great ideas from our writers!

  • The ability of artificial intelligence to deal with tedious tasks.
  • The recent development of computational and synthetic biology.
  • Understanding computer architecture in colleges.
  • Evolution of computer graphics and animations.
  • Emerging fields of study in computer data science.
  • Managing data in the age of 5G technology.
  • The role of molecular information systems in biotechnology.
  • Information technology and its contribution to natural language processing.
  • Latest developments in programming languages.
  • Ways to deal with rising privacy concerns as technology advances.
  • Theory of computation to information technology.
  • How are wireless and sensor systems making the world a safe place?
  • The importance of amorphous computing in the 21st century.
  • The impact of biomedical mining on the health sector.
  • Role of swarm intelligence in brainstorming.
  • How are companies making use of Big Data?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of IOT (Internet of Things).
  • The challenges of software-defined networking.
  • How is augmented reality playing a crucial role in the healthcare system?
  • How are new apps making a man’s life easier?
  • How can informational technology detect and wipe the fake news?
  • Long-term benefits of a technologically oriented world.
  • How is technology making student-centered learning possible?
  • How is technology preventing the spread of the pandemic?
  • Discussing if social media is making the world a dividend universe/
  • The impact of technological globalization.

Take Away

We are certain that these list of topics must have helped you pick a good research paper topic. Also, we’ve been offering essay and research paper writing services for quite a while now to students worldwide. Therefore, if you’re struggling to write your research paper, feel free to avail our college paper writing service at a cut price for academic growth.


plus-icon Why is high school research so important?
High school research papers allow students to think deeper, hone their problem-solving skills, and learn more about the technical side of different subjects.
plus-icon What are the most interesting high school research paper topics?

These are the three most exciting research paper topics for high schoolers:

  • What has been the impact of a particular musician on pop music?
  • What changes have we seen in pop music over the past ten years?
  • How have women been portrayed in music in the media lately?
plus-icon What are the five excellent research questions?

For good research, ask yourself:

  • What do I need to know?
  • Where can I get the information?
  • Which sources are reliable?
  • How can I incorporate fresh material into my writing?
  • How do I make sure I'm using info ethically?
plus-icon What is the thesis of a research paper?
In this section, you outline what you plan to investigate and what assertions you make. Your thesis is a statement you intend to back up with facts and results; it's the main point of the entire paper. That's why writing the thesis is one of the most challenging parts of a research paper.
plus-icon How to write a good research paper?

For writing a good research paper:

  • Take your outline and prospectus as a starting point, but don't be afraid to go off track if it improves your essay.
  • Focus on the points you want to make, and don't let your sources dictate the direction of your paper.
  • Pull in your sources to make your argument stronger.
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