How To Manage Writing Your Dissertation? A Guide To Time Management

Is this your final year in university? You must be getting worried about your final project or dissertation. If you think one year is more than sufficient to write an authentic and research-oriented thesis, you’re dead wrong! Fear not! Our experts are here to let you know all the dissertation strategies. By the end of this write-up, we’re confident you’ll learn how to manage writing your dissertation in time. Read the blog and thank us later.

Steps To Time Management for Writing Your Dissertation

It’s essential for students to break down the time into easily consumable chunks to allocate dissertation writing projects. Here we will present the steps you must take and allow yourself plenty of time to relax and work.

Divide Time into Months, Weeks, and Hours

The best way to complete a dissertation is to divide it into months or weeks, depending on your available time. A typical time for writing a dissertation is six months. Although a recommended time from an educational institution is one year, you may still be able to complete it in six months if given proper time.

If you’re going for a six-month plan, you must devote one month to each step and make room for changes along the way. In a six-month plan, you will be able to make appropriate adjustments.

Devote One Month to Topic Selection

The first step is a selection of the topic of your dissertation. Keeping in view the hours of studying at your campus, you might only be able to give one or two hours a day or maybe less. So according to experts, you must assign a month to select a good topic.

A topic is the first step and it must be perfect and precise. You may ask your advisor assigned to you for help. After four weeks of time, you must complete your selection process of topic or subject to be featured in the dissertation. Move to the research process after completing this.

Research Thoroughly For One Month

The next step is gathering as much credible and valuable information as possible. You may go to the college library first and read the books on the topic. In case you’re unable to find reliable or updated research material, read some journals. Google Scholar or any other credible platform is the best step. Since it’s a lengthy process that requires going back and forth, you must give one month to it.

Make an Outline in Two Weeks’ Time

After having all the relevant and credible research, filter the ones that are not relevant. This clean-up will help you outline the dissertation proposal. A dissertation outline is the same as any project work or essay. An outline must have an introduction, body paragraphs as much as required, and a conclusion.

You may also let your friend, classmate, or student advisor have a sneak peek at it. They might correct if any step or argument needs to be corrected. This way, you’ll be able to have a second opinion as well.

Write An Introduction As a First Draft

Now come to the part where you must write everything on paper or your laptop. Start the introduction with all the details, such as a hook sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Then add background information and, lastly, your thesis. Add all the details and take three to four weeks to make a thorough introduction. The word count of an intro ends at 10% of the entire content, which means for a 100,000 words. It must be 10,000 words.

Write Body Paragraphs in 45 Days

Since body paragraphs are lengthy and most of your work will focus on making them, allocate 45 days to this process. Start your body paragraphs with a topic sentence and add as much evidence and supporting arguments as possible. You must write body paragraphs of 80% word count so they may contain sufficient proof.

Write a Conclusion in 2 Weeks’ Time

It’s the last part of writing your dissertation. A conclusion is a final paragraph that ends the discussion. Make it brief but strong enough to make an impact. Summarize your entire discussion, restate the thesis, and add concluding remarks.

Lastly, add a bibliography on the last page. Use citation styles such as MLA, APA, AMA, Chicago / Turabian, and end the dissertation.

Proofread, Revise if Required

In the last two weeks, proofread your work with an open mind, and take help from your best friend or classmate. Highlight the critical mistake in the first draft and correct the error later on. After thoroughly studying your first draft, make your second draft or change the highlighted mistakes.

After this step, read it for a few hours after some rest. Find any mistake that might be left unchecked in the first go. After being satisfied, submit your work.


Students, this blog has provided you with the steps on how to manage writing your dissertation efficiently and on time. Following these steps will help you to complete your dissertation in six months.

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