How to Write a Commemorative Speech to Make an Impact

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Whether it’s about honoring someone’s performance or celebrating the colorful events, recalling the personal stories, or paying tribute to the legacy left by an individual, commemorative speaking is always in trend.

It can be a memorable event of your life and an opportunity to leave an impact on the audience.

A survey has shown that 64% of people feel pressure to perform and speak to an audience. The pressure may come from not knowing the basics or what topics to share. That’s why it’s important to learn how to write a commemorative speech.

For Whom Commemorative Speech Is For?

  1. Students graduating from their academic institutions.
  2. Teachers addressing the class or any attendance regarding some memorable event.
  3. People who speak at their friends’ or relatives’ weddings.
  4. Anyone who wants to speak at someone’s funeral.
  5. Celebrities when winning an award or called for a lecture.
  6. Anyone who wants to speak and present their ideas, emotions, and feelings regarding an event, festival, or general experience.

Resources That Can Help You Write an Impressive Commemorative Speech

There are several factors that can help you prepare for a memorable speech with complete accuracy and authenticity.

Sources How They Can Help You
BooksContaining authentic information regarding your subject life, decisions, and ideologies. 
ArticleResearch discovering some important facts about subjects that are going to be a great addition to your speech script. 
Professional servicesYou can hire a writer who will create a speech for you.
InterviewsTo get the information and direct quotes from the subject.
Archives To get your hands on some important facts and figures. 
Personal Experience You can write the account of your personal experience with the subject and how they inspired and influenced your life. 

Factors Affecting Students’ Speech Performance

Let’s take a look at these statistics. A study was conducted in Vietnam High School in order to investigate the factors affecting students’ speaking performance. researchers have found some of the major factors that make or break a speech.

Let’s take a look at those factors to learn what is most important while preparing for a commemorative speech.

Factors Affecting Student’s Speaking PerformancePercentage
Feedback during speaking activities 70%
Listening Ability of students 80%
Topical Knowledge81%
Motivation to speak41%
Pressure to perform well47%
Time for Preparation 27%
Time Allowed to perform a speaking task38%

Source: Asian Journal of Educational Research

What is a Commemorative Speech ?

A commemorative speech serves as a tribute, an eloquent homage, or a celebration of a person, an event, or an achievement. It serves to honor the essence, significance, and impact of the subject being commemorated.

Furthermore, it uses different types of tones in writing and stands as a vessel that transports the audience through cherished memories, remarkable achievements, or profound influences.

It encapsulates the essence of the individual or event being celebrated, imprinting a lasting tribute within the hearts of the listeners.

Challenges for Students While Writing Speech of Commemoration

Emotional Depth

Expressing genuine emotions and capturing the essence of the subject while maintaining composure can be challenging.

Finding the Right Words

Struggling to find appropriate and impactful words to honor the significance of the individual or event being commemorated.

Structural Clarity

Establishing a clear structure for the speech, including the introduction, body, and conclusion, while maintaining a coherent flow of ideas.

Balancing Emotions and Facts

Ensuring a balance between emotional content and factual accuracy While Writing About Commemorative Speech Topics, especially when recounting historical events or achievements.

Addressing Audience Sensitivities

Navigating sensitive topics or delivering speeches to diverse audiences while considering varying perspectives and sensitivities.

Researching the Subject

Conducting thorough research to gather relevant and accurate information about the individual, event, or achievement being commemorated.

Time Constraints

Managing time effectively to both research comprehensively and craft a well-structured, impactful speech within a limited timeframe.

Overcoming Nervousness

Overcoming stage fright or nervousness when delivering the speech, especially when the subject holds personal significance.

Maintaining Honesty and Authenticity

Struggling to strike a balance between honoring the subject authentically and avoiding exaggeration or misrepresentation.

Capturing Audience Attention

Ensuring the speech captivates and engages the audience throughout its duration, leaving a lasting impression.

How to Write a Commemorative Speech? 10 Steps

Here’s a step-by-step guide for you to learn how to write a speech to commemorate that also includes some excellent commemorative speech examples to improve your understanding.

Plus you will also get an idea of what to pick from different speech topics as the examples below are on different subjects. So Let’s s begin:

Step 1: Pick a Subject

The first step is to choose a topic and determine what is commemorative speech about. You can pay tribute to someone’s legacy, acknowledge contributions, or salute to the welfare cause of any personality. Go through some interesting informative speech topics to have an idea about your speech.

Suppose that you are going to make a speech of commemoration to honor the 30 years of teaching services of Mrs. Thompson.

Impact and Legacy

The positive impacts of Mrs. Thompson are not only limited to her academic successes. Rather her commitment and compassion toward teaching have enabled many students to realize their dreams.

Significance for This Commemorative Speech

Keeping in view the 30 years of teaching services in shaping students’ futures, the retirement of Mrs. Thompson brings the end of the fruitful career that deserves to be honored and celebrated.

Example Speech Point

Today, as we are here to recognize the extraordinary career of Mrs. Thompson, we not only pay tribute to the end of an era but also honor the long-term effects of an exceptional educator.

The great legacy she left goes beyond just the culmination of the 30 years spent in the classroom; it incorporates the countless stories of individuals whose lives were ignited by her inspiration and mentorship.

Like the example, make sure to use the appropriate type of text structure that conveys the right sense and meaning as per the context. make sure to use the right type of text structure that conveys the proper sense and meaning in a specific context.

Step 2: Research Thoroughly

The best way to comprehend what is commemorative speech is collecting the data and information about the particular topic. It is an important step in learning how to write a commemorative speech. You can go for the personal anecdote or visualize the historical context to set the well-rounded stage.

Visit the different online resources to gather the relevant information for instance, if you are going to make a speech about Rosa Parks.

Biographical Details

Provide the basic information such as date of birth, early education, family background, etc. Check out some persuasive speech topics about family of that subject to get a clear idea.

Significant Achievements

Shed light on her important life achievements such as how she played an active role in the Civil Rights Movement and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Personal Anecdotes 

Explore data about her personal stories, such as you can highlight her commitment, determination, and resilience she showed during the movements. 

Historical Context in Commemorative Speech

Discuss her practical role within the broader spectrum of the movements. Contextualize the results of her actions on the society as a whole. 

Example Research Findings

Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in the city of Tuskegee, Alabama. She became popular due to her active role in the Montgomery bus Boycott. One of the most pivotal moments of her life was her refusal to give up her seat to the white passenger, which infused the motivations in the Civil Rights Movement. 


In the given example, the research involves collecting the relevant data about Rosa Parks. which includes gathering her biographical data and highlighting her key achievements during the Civil Rights Movement.

Step 3: Define the Purpose for Commemoration Speech

Identify and decide the tone and style of your speech that aligns with the speech objective and the audience’s interest. For instance, the tone can be celebratory, reflective, or a combination of both.

Now, let’s take an example to decide upon the tone of a commemorative speech by using the example of the community leader, Sarah Johnson. 

Determining Purpose and Tone

Purpose: This research aims to acknowledge the decades-long services of Sarah Johnson for the community.

Tone: Here, we can adapt the celebratory or reflective tone while celebrating Sarah’s achievements and reflecting upon her emotions as well as the lasting impacts of her departure. 

Example Speech Tone

Today we are here to celebrate and pay tribute to the esteemed services rendered by the great community leader, Sarah Johnson. Let’s honor her tireless commitment and dedication she devoted to improving all of our lives. 

This example recognizes Sarah’s contributions and achievements toward humanity while allowing the audience to reflect upon the influence she had on society as a whole. Moreover, adopting this approach makes sure how to start a speech that acknowledges the legacy of Sarah Johnson in a suitable manner.

Step 4: Structure 

Intro Para

Begin with some thought-provoking question that captures the audience’s attention as given in the below commemorative speech examples.


Divide the body section into logical sections and subsections. It can include personal anecdotes, achievements, or personality traits. 


Close the speech by restating the key points and powerful words that leave the readers with lasting impressions. 

Step 5: Craft a Compelling Narrative

Brainstorm the ideas and some storyline that logically establishes the relationship between different life aspects of the subject such as achievements that make the speech quite interesting.

Coming up with an engaging narrative can include combining the different aspects of the subject’s life into a smooth flow and structured story. Don’t understand? Ok, let’s understand this with an example that focuses on basically what is a commemorative speech by discussing a famous artist, Emily Harris.

Factors To Consider Before Crafting a Compelling Narrative

  1. Subject Overview
  2. Introduction
  3. Artistic Evolution
  4. Influence and Impact
  5. Personal Insights
  6. Legacy and Enduring Influence


Emily Harris, with her bold strokes and visionary concepts, revolutionized the art world. Her journey began with humble beginnings, experimenting with various mediums in a tiny studio. As she honed her craft, her breakthrough masterpiece, ‘Ethereal Fusion,’ captivated audiences, showcasing her mastery of color and form.

Step 6: Use Emotive Language

Employ vivid descriptions, anecdotes, and emotionally resonant language to captivate the audience and convey the essence of the subject.

Employing vivid descriptions, anecdotes, and emotionally resonant language is crucial to engaging the audience and conveying the essence of the subject in a commemorative speech. Let’s explore this through an example focused on honoring a philanthropic figure, James Thompson:

Using Emotionally Resonant Language

  • Vivid Descriptions

Use evocative language to describe James’s passion for aiding others. “James Thompson, a beacon of hope in the community, possessed an unwavering commitment to alleviating suffering and fostering positive change.”

  • Anecdotes

Share compelling anecdotes that showcase James’s selflessness and impact. “I remember the day when James single-handedly organized a food drive that fed hundreds of families during a crisis, demonstrating his compassion and proactive spirit.”

  • Emotional Resonance

Use emotionally resonant language to convey the depth of James’s contributions. “James’s empathy knew no bounds; his dedication to uplifting the underprivileged touched countless lives, leaving an indelible mark on the community’s collective heart.”

Commemoration Speech Examples

In a world often clouded by darkness, James Thompson emerged as a beacon of compassion and action. His unwavering dedication to humanitarian causes transformed countless lives, bringing light and hope to those in need.

Expanding on It

In one of these forms of creative writing, employing emotionally resonant language involves using descriptive phrases that evoke strong emotions and portray James Thompson’s altruism vividly.

Step 7: Balance Emotion and Information

Maintaining the balance between emotions as well as information includes combining factual information with storytelling regarding commemorative speech topics. To comprehend it more clearly, we are going to take the example of Dr. Maya, a well-known scientist.

  • Subject Overview

Dr. Maya is a popular scientist who is known for his creative work in the field of environment.

  • Emotional Storytelling

In order to highlight the Dr. Patel contribution for the environmental protection, you can go with some emotional storytelling techniques here. Dr.Patel was profoundly influenced by his childhood passion for the environment and nature. You can look into some narrative and demonstration speech ideas to get a clue of how storytelling can enhance speech impact.

  • Factual Information

Make use of some facts and statistics about the contributions of Dr. Patel in protecting our land. For example, her creative solutions in sustainable energy resources helped her to earn immense applause from the community.

  • Anecdotes and Emotions

You can use personal stories to mark Dr. Patel’s work in providing us the better environment to live in. Her written publications are evident of her work while throwing away the comfort. 


Dr. Patel’s passion for conserving our environment stems from her love of nature. Her innovative work for the environment not only earned her global fame but also introduced academia with a pioneering work in renewable energy solutions. 

Step 8: Consider Audience Sensitivities

Including audience sensitivities and emotions while writing the commemorative speech is important. Let’s take another example to honor the cultural icon, Maria Gonzales.

Being Mindful of Audience Sensitivities

It is crucial to acknowledge the varying opinions and beliefs within the audience. “Maria’s message of inclusivity goes beyond the limitations and touches the hearts of the people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.”

Consider the emotions that universally establish the relationship between people. “Her unfaltering commitment to unity triggers appreciation thereby surpassing the cultural divides.”

Be careful while delivering the commemorative speech on sensitive topics to make sure that it remains respectable and resonates amongst people from all walks of life. 

Example Segment Considering Audience Sensitivities

Maria Gonzales’ work for unity is revered by everyone who promotes unity and inclusivity. Her work goes beyond the cultural and religious barriers that unite us in every shared aspect and bring harmony. 

Step 9: Practice and Refine 

As it is said practice makes a man perfect so, practice your speech to commemorate to ensure that it goes with the right pace, tone, and style. Let’s take an example of a community leader, John Smith.

Rehearsal Process

Practice Sessions:Repeat your speech at least three times by emphasizing its flow, pace, and emotions. Focus on how each section of the speech connects and makes transitions.

Tone and Emphasis:Exercise different tones and styles by repeating the important points. Make adjustments to your flow that bring an inspiring pause and moments of reflection.

Coherence and Impact:While exercising to learn what is a commemorative speech, analyze the speech’s logical flow to make sure that each section contributes to the overall message’s quality. Proofread and edit the speech to ensure that it makes a positive impact by following coherence. Although it’s quite challenging to practice, you can hire a creative writing helper, especially when you want to bring coherence to your speech.

Seek Feedback:Seeking feedback from your fellows and peers helps improve the areas where you require more work in your speech

Example Segment on Rehearsing the Speech

To acknowledge John Smith’s work, I have done a lot of practice on some commemorative speech topics and repeated the speech countless times. Each time I repeated the speech, it gave me a chance to come closer to perfection. Due to practice, I approached the right tone, style, and pacing in my speech to pay tribute to John Smith’s legacy.

Step 10: Deliver with Conviction

Be confident and speak loudly while you deliver the commemorative speech before the audience. Making eye contact with the audience will give you a chance to establish a connection and convey the emotions that you want to deliver through your speech.

Why is a Commemorative Speech significant?

Why is this speech important? Why should students learn speech to commemorate? These questions also came into the mind of this guide’s writer who shared, “I never understood the importance of commemorative speech until I did it and learnt how much it helped me grow as a person and sharpened my skills.”

Let’s discover how it helps students:

  • In learning the art of honoring and celebrating important individuals, events, or achievements, fostering respect and appreciation.
  • Fosters communication abilities, students encouragement to articulate thoughts, emotions, and stories effectively, and public speaking skills.
  • Cultivates empathy and emotional intelligence by conveying the impact of the commemorated subject.
  • Connect students with diverse audiences by conveying a compelling narrative, eliciting emotions, and leaving a lasting impact through words.
  • Encourages reflective learning, prompting students to analyze and articulate the importance and impact of a person or event.
  • Practicing research, organization, and critical thinking, fostering a deeper understanding of historical or personal significance.
  • Allows students to appreciate and celebrate diversity by acknowledging and honoring various cultural, social, or historical contributions.
  • Mastering the art of delivering a speech boosts confidence and self-assurance in public speaking and storytelling.
  • Students acknowledge heritage, preserving stories and memories for future generations.

Final Thoughts

Delivering a powerful commemorative speech requires the art of capturing the essence of past moments in our lives. Every one of us has some colorful moments to celebrate and personalities to pay tribute etc. However, coming up with the right topic for speeches to commemorate is of much significance. Therefore, in this topic, we have covered the easy-to-follow solutions that make the entire process manageable.

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