How To Write A Research Paper Fast?

The research paper writing process could be tough, time taking and of course, requires a lot of study. That’s why it is suggested to be done gradually by taking a suitable amount of time. But sometimes students delay the entire process and are left with no sufficient time to complete the entire paper. That’s where they start thinking about how to write a research paper fast?

Students ask this question a lot, leading to why students need to write a paper in an emergency. It is all because of taking the writing process lightly. You are not supposed to think that research can be done within a few hours and write a paper about it. If you are a Ph.D. student, you need to write 70,000 to 80,000 words which seems impossible to be done in a few hours or a day, so you need Ph.D. research paper help.

But as many things are not impossible and can be done at the last minute, research writing is also one of them. If you are left with a short time period, we can teach you how to write a paper fast without dropping the quality of your research. 

What is a Research Paper?

research paper is a detailed and well-explained essay that contains either a qualitative or quantitative research method to justify the thesis statement of the author. A paper is often used as a source of providing an in-depth analysis of a topic by conducting research that involves people, data, and its interpretation.

Why Students Search for Hacks to Write a Research Paper Fast

This question has attracted a lot of attention and we are here to answer it for you. We understand that you want to know why so many students delay the entire process and wait for the last minute to start their research. It can be due to several reasons which we are going to discuss below.

1. They Procrastinate

The biggest reason students take a lot of time and still couldn’t complete their tasks is that they procrastinate. Procrastination is an act of delaying the tasks and not completing them on time, thinking that it’s just a piece of cake and won’t take a lot of time.

This mindset is the basic reason behind the particular nature of the students. They avoid completing their job due to laziness and then end up worrying about it the whole time. That’s why they seem to be searching on the internet about meeting deadlines in any way.

If you do the same, then what you can do is just stop procrastinating and start working on yourself. In this way, you will get rid of this bad habit and finally get back to a healthy habit of completing all the tasks within the given time.

2. They Couldn’t Understand the Guidelines

It is also one of those things that students do and end up missing the deadline. Like every problem this issue also has a solution which is researching itself. Many students do not understand the guidelines provided by their teacher and thus they stay puzzled yet do not ask for help.

We mentioned in one of our previous blogs that if you are not able to understand the instructions of an essay then try to do enough research on it. You have the biggest and most free source in the world which is Google. You can learn more about research and paper writing by following the examples and checking others’ work present on the internet. 

It is not difficult to understand the instructions for your project. It only takes brains and free research tactics to get what you need. Therefore you must complete your research on time and understand the requirements to write an excellent quality paper.

3. Due to Overconfidence

We never had to mention this fact actually because everybody knows it. If you are a student who is overconfident and believes you can do anything within a few hours, then you are making the worst mistake of your life. You cannot be acting like this to end up with great trouble at last.

This is the reason why people say that overconfidence kills. You must believe in yourself but that’s not mean you start taking things lightly just because you are sure you can do it in a short time as compared to others. There is a significant criterion for everything which you should follow otherwise you can lose a lot of things.

It is suggested by any wiser person to stop being overconfident and get back to reality. Doing this will help you a lot in getting things done within time. You will have a better way to start your tasks and complete them without any worries.

4. Taking Way Too Much Time

This is something most people do not talk about and that doesn’t mean it’s not important. It is the reality that students take way too much time on writing every single heading of the research. It is a sample like spending the entire day on just an introduction and leaving the rest for tomorrow. Students should learn how to balance things as it is one of the keys to success.

If you don’t know how to give specific time to every task, how are you going to deal with urgent tasks within a certain time period? That’s why it is suggested to learn how to balance your time and energy and complete the task without spending too much time on it. It takes a few hours sometimes to complete research if you know how to do it right.

How to Write a Research Paper Fast?

You are finally going to learn our best tips on writing research fast. This frequently asked question has too much content on the internet which helps students get an idea about this topic. We have some master techniques saved which will teach you how to write research fast, without missing the deadline.

how to write a research paper fast

1. Select a Simpler Topic

When you know you don’t have proper time to write a research paper, it is suggested to select a topic that is easier and well-known to you already. Selecting a simple topic will help a lot and in this way, you can write your paper fast. It is a proven technique that most people follow to never miss a deadline.

The simpler your topic is, the more chances you have to finish the paper within just an hour or so. Just identify the length of your paper and start your work so you can complete it on time. It is said that some brilliant students are experts at writing and completing the research project within 2 hours when given their favorite topic. 

2. Design a Thesis Statement

How about creating a thesis statement in advance to avoid the hassle later? You need a thesis to start your research because this statement will be the actual basis of conducting the research. That’s why it is better to create it in advance before moving to the next step.

You can take time in thinking about your statement in peace, and then use it to complete the research and make an outline. It will automatically fasten your writing process and you will end up writing more in just a little time.

A lot of students take thesis statements lightly and think it’s just a single statement that is worthless. That’s not true! This statement is everything your research is based on. Ignoring it can lead you to a horrible ending in which you might have missed your deadline and written nothing to submit as your project.

3. Complete Research Beforehand

The best method of writing a research paper fast is to complete its research quickly, as soon as possible. You should focus on writing later but first, the research paper is more important than everything. Your entire paper depends upon the research so it is better to do it first.

By doing your research in advance, you save yourself from some troubles. The easiest part of research writing is the writing process. If you do the research first and then write, there are 100% chances of completing your paper quickly. If you lack in topic research then you can get professional paper writing service for the paper perk writers. We have expert paper writers for all academic subjects. All you must know is what’s the procedure, how have you collected the information, and in what way it’ll be written on the paper.

4. Make an Outline

In all of our previous blogs, we have discussed too much about the significance of making an essay outline. It is one of those things which shouldn’t be taken for granted because they can save you in the most stuck situations. Don’t believe us? Let’s have a look at the given example and educate yourself.

Suppose you are going to miss a deadline for your research within 4 or 5 hours max. It is research and it surely needs an ample amount of effort to write this paper. What you have done is completed the research and created an outline that you will be following. Now tell us how much you’d need to follow the outline and write the entire paper?

Let us answer it for you, you may need only 3 and a half, or a maximum of 4 hours to write a paper. You still have one hour left in which you can either proofread the content or edit it, format it, and just submit it right away to chill for the entire day. This is the effect of creating an outline of any essay or paper you are assigned at college.

It is the benefit you seek when you have done more than half of the work in advance. You don’t have to worry about the things, but just write your paper and hand it over to your teacher. And, your grades will also be safe when you write the research in this way.

5. Write the Introduction

You can start writing in the introduction section. This part is the first one in the research and it also contains many subheadings such as the objective, background, research questions, research significance, etc. You can divide your introduction into these parts and complete it.

This is the first yet main part of the research so writing it initially will help in moving to the next parts fast. You can write the entire paper in this way and your teacher will be more than happy to receive good quality research from you.

6. Write Body and Arguments

It’s time you finally write the body and the main arguments of your research. This is the middle part of the research and it won’t take a lot of time if you have created the outline and done the research in advance. You just need to view those points and start writing them fast.

One by one, you can reach the points and just finish the task. You can start by providing the arguments, and their examples side by side. Try to keep the discussion to the point to finish your work within the desired time limit. Following this will make your job much easier than you have ever thought.

7. Finish with Conclusion

The conclusion is the shortest part of the entire research which is summed up in 100 or 150 words maximum. So you already know you don’t need to spend a lot of time on the conclusion of the research paper. You can take just 10 to 15 minutes to write a good conclusion if you know the summary of your research.

8. Cite the Paper

It is the time you cite your paper and complete the whole thing. Research is invalid without the references to the sources you have used. That’s why do not forget to write the citations in your paper and do it quickly before the submission.

Point to Ponder: Remember that we are only suggesting this writing method for those who are in a hurry to finish their paper. Research writing is a time taking process because nobody wants to compromise on the quality of work. If you have sufficient time to complete your paper, then you are suggested to read our other blogs that contain an approach for conducting and writing research peacefully with complete attention. 

How to Write an 8-Page Paper in 3 Hours?

It is what you want to know since we have seen many of you searching for the answers on the internet. It is a challenging task but let’s just say nothing is impossible once you make up your mind to do it. The same goes for research writing. You can of course write an 8-page paper within 3 hours by following the below-given method.

how to write an 8 page paper in 3 hours

1. Choose an Easier Topic

Choosing an easier topic will help you and you can complete your paper fast as compared to writing one that includes a complicated topic. Always remember that if you don’t have enough time for writing a paper, just shift to an easier topic and complete your work before the deadline.

2. Stay to the Point

There is no use explaining every single point in your research and diving into the deadline when you have only 3 hours to write the entire paper. Your priority must be completing the work as soon as possible so you need to explain only those points which are necessary. It is never useful to write more when you have less time.

3. Do Not Lose Focus

Having less time could be a lot frustrating but you still need to have complete focus on the task. It is never healthier to procrastinate when you have only 3 hours to complete a big task. It is really important to put your entire focus into one thing since it helps in getting the work done within no time.

Having only 3 hours to complete 8-page research is quite a hectic thing. One may easily get stressed out by having a lot to do in only 3 hours. But you can use a better approach by building your focus and giving 100% attention to the task. This way you will be able to complete your work fast without further delays and you won’t lose any marks as well.

4. Be Smart

Using our brain can help you much more than anyone and anything in this world. If you have selected a topic of your choice, there are so many chances you already know a lot about it. You may have an idea of the arguments, claims, and relevant examples in your mind that can help you write your current research.

It is a fact that if you know something already you are more likely to finish things sooner. If you concentrate well and use your brain to think further, you can deduce good arguments from your mind. It is the best thing you can do when you have just 3 hours to write an 8-page paper. 

Just calm down at first, think about your topic, and recall the previous knowledge you have in your mind. With the help of this information, you can create your claims and provide excellent examples with them too. Your paper will be done in only 3 hours yet it will be 100% effective having almost no shortcomings.


We hope you have learned good strategies to complete your research paper within time. We understand as a student you have so many responsibilities and it becomes harder to manage all the deadlines. These above-mentioned techniques may surely help you write a paper fast.

If you have anything on your mind to share with us, leave a comment in the box given below to reach out as soon as possible.


plus-icon Can I write a research paper in one day?

Yes, you can write a research paper in one day. All you need is just complete the research, make an outline and thesis statement, and then finish the writing procedure as fast as you can. Make sure you balance the quality as well in this process.

plus-icon How long does it take to write a 5-page long research paper?

It usually depends upon the requirements of your paper, but overall it takes about 4 hours to complete a research paper with an introduction, thesis statement, arguments and claims, and conclusion.

plus-icon How long should it take to write a research paper?

A fair time period of writing an entire, regular 5-page research paper is 4 hours. You can do it in the given time if you have done the entire research in advance. If you are an expert, you can also carry out all the given processes within 4 hours.

plus-icon How do you write a 20-page paper in a day?

A 20-page paper in a day is quite a big deal, but nothing is impossible. You can do it easily by dividing your time first, finishing the research part, making an outline, and just sitting down to start the writing part. Once you finish the writing in one sitting, you are all ready to submit your paper instantly.

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