How to Write a Research Paper? Comprehensive 3-Stage Guide to finesse

A research paper is a structured document that delves deep into a topic, uncovers new insights, and contributes to the existing body of knowledge. It means that writing one takes a lot of work and thinking, which is why students often term it as a daunting task. Don’t fret as you are in the right spot to know how you can write an impressive research paper. Of course, a professional paper writer service can help, but this 3-stage guide will equip you with the fundamentals of writing a killer piece yourself. Let’s dive in!

What is a Research Paper? And How Come, Students are Always Stuck With One?

Before we take you to stage 1 of writing a research paper, let’s first understand what a research paper is all about. 


A research paper is a form of academic writing packed with insights. It thoroughly evaluates any subject, phenomenon, or idea based on first-hand observation. These research papers embody man’s insatiable thirst for knowledge. 


This might be why students are always stuck with them. But if it weren’t for academic research papers, we might not have been able to record and voice our ideas about the universe. Or worse, we would not have been as advanced yet.

So you now have a fair idea of what a research paper is all about, isn’t it? Let’s now jump to the 3-stage guide of writing a perfect one. 

Stage 1: Prewriting

The prewriting stage determines a lot about your research paper. It amounts to almost 60% (if not more) of the work you’ll put into your research writing. But hold your horses before we move on step one, you need to focus on understanding your assignment.

Many students lose their grades because they didn’t go through the assignment requirements. These requirements outline what’s needed from your research article. They help you determine the formatting, citation style, length, and the rest of the technical stuff. So, before you start with “how to write a research paper”, it’s vital to read and understand your assignment guidelines. Now let’s clue you in with 4 essential steps.

Step1: Choosing Your Research Paper Topic

Choosing the right research topic can be challenging for most students. And there could be several reasons behind it. Predominantly, students have tons of ideas springing in their heads. This creates a general state of indecisiveness, leading to more students getting fed up.

If this sounds like you, then fasten your seatbelts and let’s solve this for you! Here are some of the steps that will help you choose the right topic for your research.

  • Your Interest First! It’s true when they say pick what you love, your interest in the work you’re going to do is THE KEY. Thus, the first thing you’re going to do is brainstorm all the ideas and topics that interest you.

Let’s say before searching for this “how to write a research paper” you were thinking about your favorite netflix show. It doesn’t matter if you pick a show, a movie, or even child ballads as long as you’re happy with the subject. So write all your ideas down, no matter how broad or specific.

  • Research, Research, Research! Once you’re down jotting down your ideas, conduct extensive research on each of them. Here’s what you’re gonna look for;
    • See if the topic is feasible
    • Check for availability of sources 
    • If there is enough existing literature to help you with the subject
    • Consider the scope of the topic 
    • If you can cover it adequately in the required length of the paper 

You can use the sources like blog posts, journal articles from google scholar, books, podcasts etc. 

  • Shake it off! Now the next step is to narrow down the list. You’re gonna need to get rid a topic if it’s;
    • Too broad 
    • Too narrow
    • Lack sources 
    • Doesn’t align with the paper’s objectives. 

See, you’re done with your third step on how to write a research paper already! Now just focus on topics that have a straightforward research question or thesis statement that you can explore.

  • Let Them In! Consult with your instructor or advisor for feedback on your ideas. They can provide valuable insight into appropriate topics and help you refine your research question or thesis statement.

These initial steps are taken before you learn how to write a research paper. Before jumping to the next time, one more thing to notice is your audience. Make sure to present your idea/topic in such a way that is understandable to your reader. The easier it is, the more fun you’ll have while composing it.

Step 2: Conducting Initial Research

A research paper is all about conducting good research. So here are some tricks that will make your work 5 times more manageable.

  • Keywords are Keys! Start by identifying keywords related to your topic. These are words or phrases that describe the main idea of your research question or thesis statement. Use these keywords to conduct searches in relevant databases, search engines, and library catalogs.
  • Search for sources! Once you have identified your keywords, search relevant databases. These include search engines, and library catalogs. Use various sources, including books, academic journal articles, government reports, and reputable websites.
  • Evaluate sources: One of the crucial steps of how to write a research paper is to evaluate your sources. But wait there curious cat you’re gonna find out all the “whys” soon! 

As you find sources, evaluate them for relevance, reliability, and credibility. Look for sources that are recent, peer-reviewed, and written by reputable authors or organizations. Evaluate the author’s credentials and the publisher’s reputation.

  • Organize sources! Here’s why! After you’re done evaluating, organize the sources into;
  • Bibliography
  • Reference list.

Keep track of the title, author, publication date, and other relevant information. This will make citing your sources easier and creating a bibliography or reference list later.

  • Take notes: As you read through your sources, note the main ideas, arguments, and supporting evidence . Organize your notes by source and topic to make it easier to use them later when writing your paper.

Step 3: Specification

Another crucial step in “how to write a research paper is narrowing down the focus of a research paper. This part ensures that the topic you choose is manageable and the research is focused. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Identify the general topic: Start by identifying the general topic of your research paper. This could be a subject you are interested in or a topic assigned by your instructor.
  • Conduct initial research: Conduct initial research to gain a broad understanding of the topic. This will help you to identify areas of interest and potential research questions.
  • Refine the research question: Based on your initial research, refine your research question to focus on a specific aspect of the topic. Consider the scope of the question and whether it can be adequately covered in the length of the paper.

Step 4: Developing Research Question or Thesis Statements

Before you start writing, develop a strong research question or thesis statement. Without research questions or thesis statements your scientific papers are just another piece of writing. Yes, it might display some of your writing skills but nothing more. So, keep that in view and let’s see how to make a thesis statement. 

  • Cut to the Chase! Based on your initial research, narrow down the focus of your research question or thesis statement to a specific aspect of the topic. The more specific and “to the point”, the better. Don’t forget to consider the scope of the question. 
  • Brainstorm Potential Questions. Brainstorm potential research questions related to the narrowed-down focus of your topic. Consider the significance of the question, the feasibility of research, and the potential impact of the research.
  • Refine the Question. Refine the research question by considering the research gap, the potential contribution of your research, and the potential audience for your paper. Make sure that the question is clear, specific, and researchable.
  • Create a thesis statement. Once you have a refined research question, create a thesis statement that clearly states the main argument or point of your paper. The thesis statement should be specific, debatable, and reflect the focus of the research question.

And there you are guys, that was your first stage of :how to write a research paper? All done and dusted. Just remember to keep everything organized, this way you won’t get caught in any mess. Now let’s move onto the next stage.

Stage 2: Composition

The second stage of how to write a research article is almost all writing. So brace yourself and let start with;

Step1: Writing the Introduction

Now many of you might be wondering how to write a research paper introduction? We get that it’s not easy for most students. So roll your sleeves and lets get down to business with these effective steps

  • Go Fishing! Begin your introduction with a hook sentence that grabs your audience’s attention. This can be a surprising fact, a provocative statement, a quote, a question, or a personal anecdote related to your research topic.
  • Provide background information: After grabbing your audience’s attention, provide background information on your topic. This will help to contextualize your research and provide some context for why it is essential.
  • State your research question or thesis: In the introduction, clearly state your research question or thesis. This will help set your paper’s direction and provide a preview of what your readers can expect to learn.
  • Outline your research approach: Briefly outline your research papers approach and methods. This can include describing your research design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.
  • Preview your main points: Finally, preview the main points you will discuss in your paper. This will give your readers a clear sense of what they can expect to learn and help them stay engaged in your research paper.

You should practice forming introductions to fully understand how to write a research paper introduction. After you get a hold of that, move on to writing body paragraphs. 

Step 2: Developing the Body Paragraphs

Writing striking body paragraphs for a research paper can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some easy steps to help you write robust and influential body paragraphs for your research article:

  • Start with a topic sentence . The first sentence of your body paragraph should be a topic sentence that clearly states the paragraph’s main idea. This sentence should also connect to the thesis statement and provide a smooth transition from the previous paragraph.
  • Back your claims. After stating the main idea of your paragraph, you need to provide evidence to support your claim. Your evidence can stem from statistics, research studies, or quotes. Not just that but you can also add personal experiences.
  • Explain the evidence. More is needed when it comes to evidence. You must also explain how it supports your argument. This step is crucial to help your readers understand the relevance of the evidence you presented.
  • Provide counterarguments. It’s important to consider potential counterarguments and address them in your body paragraphs. This will help strengthen your argument and show that you have considered different perspectives.
  • Use transition words. Any guideline on “how to write a research paper” that doesn’t talk about transitional words, is useless. Research papers are lengthy and that means we need smooth transitions to keep the reader on track. 

Transition words are essential for creating a smooth and coherent flow between paragraphs. They help readers follow your thought process and understand how each paragraph connects to the argument. 

Examples of transition words include “in addition,” “furthermore,” “however,” and “therefore.”

  • Conclude with a strong closing sentence. The final sentence of your body paragraphs should summarize the main point and tie it to the thesis statement. This will help readers remember your key points in the paragraph and understand how it supports your entire argument.

Step 3: Citation

Citing your sources is an essential aspect of writing a research paper. It gives credit to the original authors of the ideas and information you used. Not just that it helps to support the credibility of your work. 

But before we begin with citing your paper, are you familiar with all the styles? It is crucial to learn MLA, Chicago, or APA research paper format before you learn how to write a research paper. If you already know them, here are 5 practical steps to follow when citing in a research paper:

  • Determine Your Citation Style. Your professor may specify which style to use, or you may choose one based on your field of study. Each style has guidelines for formatting and citing sources, so you must familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of your chosen style.
  • Identify the source type. Different sources require different citation formats. These can include books, articles, websites, and interviews. Before you can cite a source, you need to identify the type of source you’re using. 

For example, if you’re citing a book, you must include the author’s name, title, publisher, and publication year.

  • Collect the necessary information. Once you know the citation style and source type, you must gather all the necessary information about the source. This may include the author’s name, the publication date, the title of the article or book, the name of the publisher or website, and the URL or DOI (digital object identifier), if applicable. Recording this information accurately and thoroughly is essential to create a correct citation.
  • Format the citation according to the style guidelines. Each citation style has its own formatting rules for arranging the information about a source.

For example, in APA style, a book citation would look like this: Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book title. Publisher. In contrast, a book citation in MLA style would look like this: Last Name, First name. Book Title. Publisher, Year. Make sure to follow the specific style guidelines to create an accurate citation.

  • Include the citation in the text and reference list. After you’ve created the citation, you need to include it in your text at the appropriate place. Depending on the citation style;
  •  this might be in the body of a paragraph, in a footnote, or in an endnote.
  • You must also include the citation in your reference list or bibliography at the end of your paper. This list should include all the sources you cited in your paper, arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name.

Remember, proper citation not only supports the credibility of your work but also shows respect for the original author and concievers of the idea.

Step 4: Forming a Conclusion

A good conclusion can leave lasting effects on the reader’s mind. Experts say both the introduction and the conclusion are equally important. When exploring how to write a research paper conclusion, following steps will help you.

  • Summarize your main points Your conclusion should begin by summarizing the main points you’ve made in your paper. This reminds your readers of the key takeaways from your research and helps them understand your findings’ significance.
  • Restate your thesis statement. Your thesis statement is your paper’s central argument, and your conclusion is the perfect place to restate it in a new and memorable way.
  • Provide a final thought or call to action. Conclusions should leave readers with a final thought. You can impact your audience with a strong call to action. These will encourage them to think more deeply about the topic.
  • Consider the implications of your research. Your research has important implications for the broader world. Your conclusion gives you a chance to reflect these implications. Not just that but also suggests possible future research or actions.
  • End with a memorable statement. Your conclusion is your final opportunity to impact your readers. So end with a memorable statement that captures the essence of your research.

These simple steps can help you craft an impactful conclusion. Which will influence your readers and emphasizes the importance of your research findings.

Stage 3: Post-Writing

Students don’t usually realize the power of revising their work. They want to get it off their heads by just submitting their articles as soon as they end their conclusion. More often than not, this hurts their grades and lowers the worth of their research.

If you sincerely want to learn how to write a research paper, focus on these post-writing steps. This stage provides an opportunity to evaluate the strength of your arguments and evidence. Moveover, it helps ensure that your paper presents a compelling and persuasive case.

The post-writing stage involves reviewing and revising your work to make sure it’s polished, coherent, and effective. This stage allows you to identify and correct errors. So let’s get right into it.

Step 1: Reviewing and editing the paper

  • Treat it as a Fresh Start. Before you begin reviewing your paper, take a break of a few hours or even a day to clear your mind. This will help you to approach your paper with fresh eyes and a more critical perspective.
  • Re-Reading your paper out loud can help you identify awkward phrasing, unclear sentences, and other issues that may impact clarity. Pay attention to the flow of your ideas and note any areas that seem disjointed or difficult to follow.

Step 2: Review for grammar, and spelling:

  • Try the tool. Use a grammar and spelling checker to help identify any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Pay attention to the details, such as correct verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and consistent punctuation.

Step 3: Check for clarity and coherence

  • Review your paper for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your ideas are presented logically and organized and that your arguments are well-supported by evidence.

Step 4: Get feedback from others:

  • Ask a Favor. Different sets of eyes pick up on different things. Ask for feedback from a friend, colleague, or professor. This can help you identify areas where your writing may lack clarity or coherence and provide valuable insights on improving your paper.

Bonus Tips That Will Turn Your Research Paper into a Highlight of Your Semester.

  • Set realistic goals and deadlines
  • Manage time effectively
  • Seek feedback and revise accordingly
  • Avoid plagiarism

Here are examples of Research Paper writing which will help you to write your next research paper efficiently.


So folks, there you have it! We’re sure this explicit guideline on how to write a research paper has made things easier for you. Now all that’s left to do is to utilize this knowledge in your academic paper, and voilà, you’re done!
However, learning to write a research paper in a single go is not a piece of cake, and we get that. Therefore, our experts are within reach around the clock for your academic requirements. Order your desired research paper and get your hands on student-friendly discount offers now!


plus-icon What is the format of research article?

You can format your research article in this sequence;

  • Introduction,
  • Body Paragraphs including methods, evidence, discussion, and results
  • Conclusion
plus-icon How do you properly research?

Proper research is always crucial for a strong research paper. You can scaur different sources to gather your information. These can include;


  • Blog post (from authentic sites)
  • Other research papers
  • Journal articles
  • Newspapers
  • Podcasts
plus-icon How long does it take to write a research paper?

The amount of time it takes you to write a research paper depends on a few things. These include;

  • You topic (how vast it is)
  • Your assignment requirement
  • Topic complexity
  • Your experience in writing
plus-icon What makes a good research?

A good research paper has certain elements that add to its worth. These include;

  • Reproducibility: your research is good if the results are reproducible over and over again.
  • Transparency. A strong research paper always stays transparent and true with its results.
  • Replicability: your research can be used in creating new research.
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