How To Write an 8 Page Paper: A Guide

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Students are often worried about the length of research writing when it comes to assigned papers. There are many factors that determine how long a research paper should be. 

These include your grade level, the topic and the depth of the research, among many others. Naturally, you’re asked for a specific word count or number of pages in your prompt. 

In this article, we will explore how to write an 8 page paper for your next assignment. We’ll focus on the following; 

  • 10 steps of writing an 8 page long research. 
  • How to structure and organize a paper. 
  • Outline Template and Example. 
  • 6 common mistakes to avoid. 

How To Write 8 Page Paper: 8 Step Guide

An 8-page long research paper is moderately lengthy. For many of you, it may be the longest research paper yet. Viewing it this way, writing a research paper might seem intimidating. 

So you’ll need to change your approach to this mission. Dividing this big task into manageable steps will make it easier to tackle. This section provides you with calculated steps on how to write an 8 page paper.

Understanding The Instruction

Imagine trying to assemble your Ikea shelf without any visual or verbal instruction. You’ll naturally mess it up, one way or the other. Many students make the mistake of neglecting the prompt. 

The success of your paper depends on your understanding of these instructions. So before you start a research paper, read your prompt thoroughly. These guidelines will highlight all the technical requirements, including; 

  • Formatting style 
  • Required word count
  • Any visual or imagery requirements 
  • Length of paragraphs 
  • Line spacing 
  • Deadlines 
  • Method of submission 

Thus, carefully review your instruction document for at least 15-20 minutes. This helps you determine when and how to follow all the requirements.

Choosing A Topic

Choosing the right research paper topics is a hassle on its own. Each topic has its own scope and research capacities. Here are some key factors to register while picking your topic. 

  • Your interest in the topic 
  • The amount of relevant information available on the topic. 
  • Authentic sources for that information. (less reliable information can damage your credibility) 
  • Consider the depth of the topic. 

If you happen to like a vague topic, try focusing on a specific aspect. This way, you can narrow down your research to meet the requirements. 

Listing Relevant Research Studies

Once you’ve picked a satisfactory topic, collect the relevant research studies done on it. This step will familiarize you with the existing literature on the subject. Additionally, you can pinpoint the exact areas that require more research.

This step will help you narrow down your topic if you haven’t already. You can look for these studies on online platforms or search engines like; 

  • Google Scholar
  • Find Your Answer
  • ResearchGate

You can read related books, journals, research publications, and articles for your paper. Remember to stay on the relevant studies and refrain from exhausting yourself with extraneous readings.

Making Notes

When preparing to compose a research paper, taking notes will help you succeed. Making notes will assist you in filtering your data and keeping tabs on the most authentic and relevant information. 

Your note-taking method can vary from others and should suit you. However, here are some common ways that many students adopt. 

  • Highlighting information by using a spreadsheet or notebook.
  • Flag the sources of information to form references.
  • Make mind maps and flowcharts or any other diagram technique. 
  • Make solid bullet points to add to your paper. 
  • Write down all your ideas that emerge from the research. 

These notes will showcase which points add value to your argument. Keep those of the highest validity and reliability. This is especially great for your next step, which is making outlines. 

Making an Outline

Make an outline that will serve as your investigation’s outer face. It helps you understand the concept behind this entire exploration. This outline must follow all the rules from your prompt. 

You can have your professor help you with writing an outline. Another way to create an outline is to follow an exemplary paper. You can fashion your paper similar to your example. However, make sure to add some original value and not copy someone’s entire work.

Adjusting Information

In this step, you will notice your research paper coming to life. You can start by assembling all the information you have highlighted within the outline. Students have polarized opinions about this step. 

While many treat it like a puzzle game, others are left confused. In case of perplexity, you can look for help in various areas;

  • You can ask your instructor to guide you
  • You can challenge yourself to learn by copying the sequence of your exemplary paper. 
  • You can opt for paper writing help and get professional writers to help you. 

It’s not necessary to add all the details at once. It might take multiple attempts to adjust all the information in the outline. 

Writing Draft

You can start working on your first draft according to your blueprint (outline). Try to write in chunks and give yourself enough breaks to stay fresh. Remember your work reflects your state of mind. 

Try to incorporate proper citation and formatting techniques in this step. Make sure you follow the recommended citation method. 


Editing and making changes is the last of this guide on how to write an 8 page paper. In this stage, you will work towards finalizing your research article. It might seem like this step only requires a spelling or grammar check. 

Yet there’s more than meets the eye. This step requires you to; 

  • Polish your content and use appropriate vocabulary/ jargon. 
  • Focus on structure and format. 
  • Use the proper citation method. 
  • Fix spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. 
  • Get a fresh pair of eyes to review your work. This could be your professor or peers. (make appropriate changes according to their suggestions) 

By following these steps, you can compose impactful research. Remember running low on time doesn’t mean you’re out of options. Ask for help and guidance from your peers and professors. If you still feel clueless, get a good research paper writer who helps you learn. 

*Note: You can follow these same steps with minor adjustments depending on the length of your research. 

How to Write an 8 Page Paper: Organization

Now that you have understood how to write an 8 page paper, let’s move on to structure. Learning how to organize your research paper is another crucial step you shouldn’t skip.

Research writing goes through a General-Specific-General format. 

It’s an ideal way to structure your paper. The investigation points will give a reader a precise meaning when the structure is in a flow. Let us explain how to follow these instructions in a detailed overview.

How to Write an 8 page paper: Introduction

In the introduction, you will start with a general statement like, establishing the background. You will also add; 

  • The research problem
  • Importance of the topic
  • A glimpse of what makes your work unique

*Remember introduction and literature review are two different sections. Don’t confuse one with the other. 

Purpose of Paper

After the intro, you’ll jump to the purpose of your research paper. This section encompasses your 

Try to establish an outline of the intentions behind the paper.

Literature Review 

Your next task is writing your literature review for the paper. This section will include your; 

  • Identification of gaps and trends in prior research.
  • Methodologies 
  • The key finding of the paper 
  • Selection of relevant sources 

How to Write an 8 page paper: Methods

The methods section focuses on information design, procedures and approaches. The writers add the assumptions, collection data, and other relevant information. 


The result is next in the structuring of your 8 page research paper. It encompasses the main findings, your arguments, and the achievements of your paper. 

How to Write an 8 Page Paper: Discussion/ Conclusion

The final segment of your paper is the conclusion and discussion section. It interprets or extends results and draws inferences. This section points to applications or wider implications of the investigations. It ends with recommendations from the writer on how he sees the situation.

How to Write an 8 Page Paper: Outline and Template

The following outline contains an estimated page space for each segment of the structure. It allows adequate space for each part while considering the limitations of length. 

It shows how to adjust each section to complete an 8 page paper without any hiccups. However, you can make changes to suit your data and research.

How to write an 8 page paper: outline and template
Fomat Elements Number of Pages 
Introduction Background and context.Estimated 1 page 
Research question or thesis statement.
Purpose and significance of the study.
Literature Review Overview of relevant literature.Approximately 2 pages
Summary of previous studies and research.
Gaps or limitations in existing literature.
Methodology Description of research design.Approximately 1 page
Discussion of data analysis techniques. 
Explanation of data collection methods.
ResultsPresentation of research findingsEstimated 2 pages
Data analysis and interpretation.
Visual aids (charts, graphs, tables) to support results
Discussion Analysis and interpretation of resultsApproximately 2 pages
Comparison with previous studies
Discussion of implications and limitations
ConclusionSummary of key findingsApproximately 0.5 page
Contribution to the field
Recommendations for future research
References Properly formatted citations for all sources referencedApproximately 0.5 page
Follow the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA)


This is a wrap on our guide on how to write an 8 page paper. We’re positive that this tutorial is helpful for many students. These steps, tips and outline templates will assist you regardless of the length of your paper.

With these guidelines, you can impress your professors and peers. If you need further help, check out related posts and unlock your composition skills. For those who are still struggling, our writers are available for you around the clock. So get in contact without any delays and achieve a top grade.


plus-icon How long does it take to write an 8 page paper?
Although it depends on the individual’s capability of composition. An approximate guess says it can take between 1.7 to 3.3 hours.
plus-icon How many references do you need for an 8 page paper?
An average need for references in research papers is 45. The majority of the writers prefer up to 50-108 references.
plus-icon Can you write an 8 page paper in a day?
Yes, it’s possible but it's subjective to the availability of time. As it might take 6-8 hours of a continuous effort to complete full 8 page research.
plus-icon How to write an 8 page paper in two days?
For a student who’s writing a paper for the time can find it challenging. However, if you have good composition skills or have a strong grasp of the topic, you may achieve it. Generally speaking, most people can in fact write an 8 page paper in two days.
plus-icon How long is an 8 page paper double spaced?
8 pages are 4000 words in single space and 2000 words double spaced.

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