Understanding Structure For Your Nursing Paper: A Complete Guide

Writing in an organized manner is a skill that takes months and years to learn and master. Similarly, medical assignments that are full of insights into different diseases and patient care require the same protocols. We know many of you are still unfamiliar with this practice, and today’s blog will be a big icebreaker for these students.

We will discuss the complexities surrounding this topic and update you on the latest academic guidelines. After reading this, you’ll be able to make structure for your nursing paper with ease. So, let’s get on with it!

Structuring the Best Nursing Paper Format

Using the best structure for your nursing paper allows you to appropriately communicate your message across the board. Whether you want to talk about patient safety in home health care or at clinical premises or setups. You must use a structured approach to communicate effectively.

Additionally, nursing assignments are delicate and require absolute command over the subject and its research. Fear not, here we will present all the key details of writing your medical papers in appropriate structure. Your assignment structure starts with making an outline of the paper and adding your research in it. An outline for medical subject assignments consists of three parts.

  • Introduction Paragraph
  • Body Paragraph(s)
  • Conclusion

Let’s discuss these points in detail. You may follow the below guidelines for perfect content creation:


Introduction of a paper is the first thing that students get to make when an assignment is given to them. This is the opening page your professor and your readers will see and everything depends on its perfect delivery. If you’re successful in making an impression in the introductory paragraph, it’s more likely your audience will read the rest of the paper also. 

Due to its immense popularity and value in academic writing, this section of the outline can become a deal breaker if not given appropriate attention. Students must work on making it as perfect as possible. 

An intro has three parts that provides your audience the information and persuasion they need exactly at that moment. The first role of an intro is providing initial information on the topic to its readers. The second role is providing information on the historical background. And lastly, your research crux stuns the audience with evidence based single sentence results. Let’s discuss this in detail with examples before you lose your interest in the subject.

A good nursing assignment’s introduction part has three sections that might not be apparent at first. These parts or sections have their usefulness in a variety of purposes. Let’s look at these three triangles of persuasion from an expert’s eye.

  • Hook Sentence
  • Background Information
  • Thesis Statement

Hook Sentence

A hook statement is the first line of the paragraph that can easily be distinguished by its persuasiveness. It evokes emotional responses when readers go through the paragraph and capture their attention. A hook is a fundamental part of your paper and without it, your narrative is incomplete. Students must use their powers to persuade the audience and make their assignments appealing. Academic learners from medical disciplines may add a quote or research that points to an important breakthrough related to their research.

Here’s an example of a premise statement for a nursing subject that will work as a stroke of luck for you.

“According to recent medical survey medical student only learn 30% from their books and 70% by their practical clinical experience” 

This hook immediately captivates your audience because the information provides them a clear answer. Your hook sentence must be based on actual data that relates to the topic and helps your audience grasp the idea.

Background Information

A background provides information about the topic on the origins and extent of the topic. Right after adding a hook, you must use historical context to emphasize the importance of the topic and why it requires a solution. Information about history helps you in educating your readers. Let’s look at an example of this section:

“Clopidogrel was approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in 1997 and it provides superior results in ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome). It’s also an essential medicine used by patients suffering from MI (Myocardial Infarction). Its use as a helping aid in PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) or stent intervention treatment is not less than a miracle.”

This historical background informs the audience with precise information related to a drug Plavix (Clopidogrel). It also provides a context on how it was invented and why it’s important for patients suffering from cardiovascular disease to use it.

Thesis Statement

Thesis sentence is your argument made by refining your research and then taking out its crux. It’s the single most valuable section of the introduction. A single mistake in writing it either by neglecting the core concepts or mistake in structural integration can result in bad grades. Your thesis sentence must relate to the topic and its research from all angles.

Students must remember to go through all steps that will help them in composing this technical sentence. It must be noted that a thesis sentence is primarily completed when you complete your research process on the topic. With sufficient knowledge and evidence collected by your research helps you ensure your statement fulfills the criteria. Let’s clear my misunderstanding about this section also to have absolute knowledge on making it with impeccable details.

“The concept of God or Gods came from the early human civilizations lack of understanding that prompted a firm belief in a deity or superior being that is more powerful than humans”

This example allows you to dig deep into the research and learn the ways how you can create knowledge based statements.

Body Paragraph(s)

The body paragraph is the place where the magic happens and all the answers to your research questions are answered. Body section is composed of various queries and their answers, therefore it’s the lengthiest part. Students can compose multiple parts such as paragraph 1, 2,3, etc to answer each question that is raised by the topic.

Secondly, the body section also contains few similarities with the intro section such as your nursing paper’s thesis, a topic sentence. In short, a topic sentence is a line sentence that shows what’s inside the body paragraph. Let’s discuss how you can start your body paragraph with rich details.

Topic Sentence

Topic sentence is the first line you’ll be using to compose your body part or paragraph with. It presents a short summarized form of the paragraph’s entire discussion. Many medical students fail to grasp the importance of this sentence. For better understanding of the discussion, we will present a mock example here that will explain everything precisely. Suppose if you topic is related to diabetic patient care then the body paragraph’s topic sentence would look like this:

“Among critical care patients, diabetics are the one that need urgent care because of the acute onset of hypo or hyperglycemic episodes.”

By following this example students of nursing discipline can also create useful topic sentences.


Discussion is the part where you present your arguments and discuss the significance of your research into a particular field of study. Students must present their arguments based on their importance in the context. Important primary research is placed on top and further corroborating evidence is placed alongside to strengthen your stance.

This way, primary, secondary and tertiary research can be used in this section, depending on the need or requirement of the topic. Let’s start a mock discussion here:

“According to the Journal of Endocrinology, diabetics are mostly at risk of late night hypoglycemic episodes. This puts their life in danger because a single hypoglycemic episode can cause death, fall, trip, stroke or seizures etc. More than 90% of diabetics in their life must go through this unannounced critical phase and mortality rate in above 60 years is 48%. This means half of the patients may die or get critically injured when hypoglycemic episodes occur.

Based on the journal findings, the best solution is round the clock observation in healthcare setups and home care. Nursing attendants must be vigilant and their experience must include BLS (Basic Life Support) and ALS (Advanced Life Support) training. Furthermore, weekly consultation with certified “Diabetes Educator” is a must so the patient must have information related to the complications of Diabetes.”

Students who are choosing a nursing profession can write a body paragraph by taking inspiration from this mock example. 


The structure of your nursing paper ends by adding a conclusion in your assignment. Conclusion is a segment that requires attention and precision like the introduction paragraph. It also has few integral parts that help students in presenting the exact information that’s required. These parts are mentioned below:

Restating Thesis Statement

By restating your thesis statement you throw emphasis on the importance and connectivity of this section. It also helps readers to understand your stance and how you collected all the information about the topic.

Summarizing Points of Discussion

The second part of the conclusion is presenting a summary of the main points of the topic’s discussion. Students must remember one key thing and that’s never use the same words as written in the above paragraphs. Try to say the core concepts in new and unique words. A repetition may result in boring or dull statements that will be branded as redundant. After this summary, present your final opinion.

Concluding Remarks

Nursing paper structure ends with the final or concluding remarks. These are an author’s final words that proves they have a command and their research has proved it. End the discussion by proving the importance of your work in your field of studies and how it can play a big role for future generations.


Making a structure for your nursing paper is challenging and requires thorough knowledge of the discipline. This blog caters to the needs of nurses and their academic difficulties. Reading this will help students to meet the challenges of their field as well as academic requirements.

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