Term Paper: Learning The Basics of Academic Writing

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The start of a semester always seems good until it’s about to end, and you must prepare for term papers. It’s the time that frightens the students, and many get panicked. Don’t worry. This time of the year, you won’t go through this feeling because we have brought expert help to your doorstep!

This blog covers all the fundamental steps you must take to understand the details of such a lengthy task. Composing a semester project will be a piece of cake with our term paper writing services. Our expert academic writers will ensure you won’t request your friends or classmates to do your work. Let’s get rolling!

What Is A Term Paper?

A term project is an assignment designed specifically to assess a candidate’s abilities. These assignments may take the form of writing a research paper or a thorough investigation into a topic that requires in-depth evaluation.

Students go through weeks of studies and define a subject from their perspective. Typically, what you’ve already studied in a semester, you must write on it. This way, your professor evaluates your learning and retaining of knowledge capabilities over a semester.

Complexities and weeks of research force new learners to request their classmates for help, such as do my term paper. We will discuss more details in the following sections that will make you capable of writing it yourself.

How To Start A Term Paper?

A term paper writer needs to do some preliminary work before the commencement of work. To start a term project, students must know a few steps beforehand that can guide them in the best possible way.

Reflect on What You’ve Learned So Far

Students, before you get to the composing work, it’s important to know how to begin a term paper. First, you must reflect on what you’ve learned in your semester. If you are a student of history, you must know what topics you have covered so far. What is history’s core idea, and what you’ve learned and others may learn from it?

Reflecting on your learning abilities helps you understand the meaning of your subject. Think carefully about your understanding before the semester and how it changed you afterward. The incremental growth of new ideas and information you’ve accumulated will be your core strength and asset.

Brainstorm Ideas For the Topic

Before putting the pen to paper, brainstorm the topic if it’s not provided already. In the case where you have free will, make the best use of this opportunity. Think carefully and critically about a topic and choose one that provides a space for expressing your opinions.

If your essay prompt suggests a topic, but you’re unsatisfied with its scope, you may ask the professor to change it. A term paper writer must think about expressing their topic interpretation freely without reservations.

In picking a topic, you must remember to go for one with a relevant scope to your interest and discipline. A subject must be broad enough to add the scope of both spectrums and concise enough to have less susceptibility to deviation.

Form Thesis Statement

Forming your thesis statement is the next step to starting a coursework essay. A thesis sentence is a short argument illustrating your stance on the topic. Hence, this makes it the most important part of the research paper.

In making a thesis sentence, you must keep it short between one or two sentences. While concise, it must be relevant and encapsulate the central idea throughout the content.

Deep Dive into Research

The next step for starting a final paper is thorough research from all topic dimensions. During this process, you’ll be able to understand the subject from a researcher’s perspective. This helps you discover new findings that might’ve been hiding in plain sight.

Jot down the prime suspects or reliable sources of your investigation. These points will help you write a strong term project. A coursework essay must demonstrate a student’s hard work in the right direction. A multi-faceted research work ensures that your semester paper becomes an example for other pupils.

It’s a lengthy work, and many students opt for term paper writing services for assistance with their essays. Many common mistakes should be avoided in doing investigational work, such as;

  • Only doing partial research
  • Being biased and only recording single-sided opinions.
  • Presenting a distorted or perverted image of the fact.
  • Setting unrealistic goals for the research
  • Using unreliable or dubious evidence to mask reality

When you avoid these mistakes, gathering credible and evidence-based research is possible.

Make an Outline

 It’s a fact that the majority of learners don’t know how to format a term paper. Outlining a term project provides you with a structure to follow. It helps you present your arguments in a structured approach.

A study paper’s outline consists of many parts, and each one helps you compartmentalize information. It works like a file cabinet where each drawer is assigned specific files. Similarly, a framework contains each argument or section specifically made to present your stance on the topic. Learners who don’t know how to write a term paper outline may follow the example below. A semester paper’s outline is composed of these sections.

  • Cover page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion

Start The First Draft

After outlining, you can start writing your coursework essay. Writing is lengthy, and it’s better to divide it into three sections, like the parts of your research paper. The first draft attempts to get the ideas out on the paper, so there’s no right or wrong. Compose with all the energy and mediums available to you.

In the writing process of the first draft. Any mistake can be rectified in the second draft. You can compose your term project in three sections. First, write the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Ensure to add as much detail as possible in each section of the essay’s outline.

It’s important to add all the credible sources you’ve collected in the first draft with precision and relevancy. Use supportive evidence with arguments to make them authentic and credible.

Proofread, Highlight Key Mistakes

Proofreading is the best technique to make your semester paper error-free. Take appropriate time, read with a critical eye, and highlight mistakes. Refine this process by asking for help from a friend or your teacher. A second set of eyes helps diagnose any mistake that might be challenging for you to find. After thoroughly reviewing the first draft, make a second one under the suggestions from the revision.

Make a Second Draft

Making a second draft is much easier and less time-consuming than writing the first one. Refine it by tying loose ends and making it as sharp, precise, and free of irrelevant details as possible. Any structural changes (if needed) can be completed here.

By following the steps mentioned above, the process of starting a semester paper can be completed.

25 Outstanding Term Paper Topics For College Students

Now that we’ve discussed how to begin a term paper, it’s time to discuss some topics. Students are given essay prompts that are instructions for starting a research project. We’ve got you covered if you’re in sixes and sevens over choosing a topic.

Our term paper writing services specialist will ensure you have everything to pick a topic that nails everything. Here are 25 best examples for your assistance.

  1. Atheism
  2. Environmental Pollution
  3. Internet
  4. Quantum Computers
  5. Corruption in Third World Countries
  6. Religion vs Morality
  7. Social Unrest
  8. Poverty
  9. Autism
  10. Metabolic Diseases and Junk Food
  11. 21st-Century Inventions
  12. Scientific Breakthrough of All Time
  13. Excessive use of Social Media
  14. Karl Marx Philosophy
  15. Fall of USSR
  16. Fascism and Its Existence in Today’s World
  17. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on World Trade Center
  18. Uniforms for Students and their Importance
  19. Dark Matter and Its Role in the Universe
  20. Cern (European Council for Nuclear Research) and its Breakthroughs
  21. Instability in Arabian Gulf and the Role of Iran
  22. Electrification of Cars and the Future of Internal Combustion Engines
  23. Possibility of 100% Sustainable Fuel
  24. Nuclear Energy and Its Potential Risks
  25. Global Financial Crisis of 2008
  26. Criminal Activities in the Gulf of Mexico
  27. Pablo Escobar and Billion Dollar Cocaine Empire
  28. Fall of Traditional Marketing and Rise of Digital Platforms
  29. Android vs iOS or Samsung vs. iPhone
  30. Social Media Influencers 

These term paper example topics can help you find the best subject for your paper. Research further on them and add value to your work.

How To Make A Term Paper Outline?

Outlining your semester project is not easy since it has many components. These parts collectively form the shell that contains the chunks of details about your essay. You can follow the steps mentioned below for outlining.

Outlining consists of these vital components of the term project.

  • Cover page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion

Now we will discuss them in detail and help you get to the bottom of it.

Cover Page

For outlining, a term paper writer needs to make a cover page. It’s also known as the “title page” and is the first page of your semester paper. Not every institution or instructor asked to make it. It depends on the format of writing a semester project you chose for your course project.

You may write the cover page of your research paper by following these steps:

  • Title of the paper
  • Name of the author(s)
  • Course attended by the author/student
  • Instructor’s name
  • Date of submission
  • College or University Name (if allowed by instructor)


The second part of outlining a semester paper is writing an abstract. It’s a summary of your research and consists of 200-300 refined words. You must add your thesis statement, methodologies used in procuring results, findings or results, and conclusion here.

By reading the abstract of your term paper example, your audience knows what’s inside the semester project. This is why making it meaningful is of utmost importance. After reading this short paragraph, your teacher or instructor knows what to expect from reading the entire research paper.


An introduction of your term project sets the scene for your narrative. This is where things start becoming interesting. Typically, an introduction is a long paragraph that introduces your audience to the topic. 

An intro consists of a hook sentence that grabs your reader’s attention. Background information signifies the importance of your topic’s research. And lastly, your thesis statement or research question highlights the depth and scope of your topic’s research.

Body Paragraph

The next part of the semester paper’s outline is the body paragraph. It’s an essential part of a research paper and comprises weighted arguments and evidence. While writing it, you must compose it in organized form such as headings and subheadings, etc. 

This section of the outline is lengthy and takes time. Hence, you must maintain logic and supportive evidence side by side. Your body paragraph also helps your readers realize your semester project’s value. This value helps them acknowledge your semester paper’s significance in your discipline. After adding these details, move to the next step.


The results of term paper topics show the analysis based on your collected findings. Your research results might be in two forms: qualitative or quantitative. The results can be qualitative if your study paper is based on social sciences and psychology.

On the contrary, for science, math, or statistics term paper example results can only be collected quantitatively. Qualitative research shows empirical results, whereas qualitative ones are based on non-empirical analysis or views.


A term project’s discussion section is a paragraph that forms a part of the outline and illustrates the implication of your research work. Here, you can discuss the hurdles you faced in the entire investigation. An author must mention the limitations (if any) others may face while taking the same course of action.

Students may also address the weaknesses in the research methods that might or would change the results in the future. After defining the areas of future improvements and investigations, you can end this section here. If you’re not satisfied with the persuasiveness of your work, you can highlight the role your research will play for future generations. Students are encouraged to demonstrate the benefits their work will play and help the discipline in all perspectives.


A semester project ends with a solid conclusion. It’s the last part of the outline puzzle. Here, you must restate your thesis statement and illustrate its importance. Secondly, summarize the topic’s main discussion points and add concluding remarks.

Your coursework essay and its conclusion must be bulletproof and able to imprint on your reader’s mind. After adding the closing statement, end the writing process.

This term project outline is a perfect sample to follow and helps you highlight your creativity and skills. You can show dominance in your field of study by writing an excellent academic paper.

Understanding A Term Paper Format

Formatting refers to the citation style that a student must use in their research paper. The primary function of using different format styles in a term project is to show consistency and logical flow. It results in improved readability and fulfills the requirements of your educational institution. The standard citation format used in academic writing is the American Psychological Association (APA) style and the Modern Language Association (MLA).

Let’s focus on the format of writing a course project at a glance:

Using APA Term Paper Format

  • For writing in APA term paper format, use a standard page of (8.5” x 11”) and leave a 1” margin on all sides, left, right, top, and bottom.
  • Use double space throughout the paper, including cover page, abstract, intro, body, and conclusion.
  • Use the page header and add the page number flush right 0.5” from the top. Add page title flush left with capital letters.
  • Standard font size must be 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Use the author-date citation method for footnote and endnote references.

Using MLA Term Paper Format

  • Write MLA term paper format on a standard page of (8.5” x 11”) and leave a 1” margin on all sides, left, right, top, and bottom.
  • Use double space throughout the paper, including the cover page, abstract, intro, body, and conclusion.
  • Use 12-point Times New Roman. You may use other fonts if your professor allows them. A standard font is Times New Roman, though.
  • Indent the first line 0.5” from the left side.
  • Use page header and number all pages flush right except the first page. Mention the author’s last name before the page number; follow their guidelines if your instructor says otherwise.
  • Use all the appropriate format styles of APA’s latest guidelines as recommended by the instructor.

A Term Paper Example

Many students unfamiliar with the final paper may have a look at this example for appropriate guidance. This way, you’ll write a term paper example for your next project.

Title Page:

The Juilliard School

Faculty of Drama and Arts

Fiction and Drama Writing

Population Explosion and its Terrifying Results in Dan Brown’s Inferno

Max Hermann


Katherine Sullivan



This term paper critically examines Dan Brown’s Novel “Inferno” for its apocalyptic warning on the population explosion. However, many of these things are based on statistics from WHO (World Health Organization). This paper aims to evaluate exaggerating facts to make them more appealing and daunting for the readers. This analysis helps us understand the fusion of reality and fiction and use it to portray future challenges. This semester’s paper shed light on dealing with plagues and rogue elements in the scientific community and tackling them beforehand.



Dan Brown’s novels are based on fiction and typically focus on secret societies and myths. Like every other book, this novel deals with a rogue scientist who develops a pathogen that might potentially destroy humanity. This paper highlights how Dan’s work propagates the end of the world using biological weapons. This paper helps readers to understand the fictional work and its relation to reality.

Problem Statement:

Understanding fiction and exaggerated facts helps us understand the looming threats that might change our thoughts about science.


The main objective behind this term project is to highlight human fear or comprehension related to the rising innovation in biological science.

Literature Review:

This literature review focuses on Dan Brown’s previously written books. Dan Brown’s writing is filled with mystery that invokes the reader’s curiosity and fulfills them with fascination and desire to know the secrets. Many critics explain this writing style as nothing but touching the human desire to believe in secret societies or cults. This current undertaking serves as a thorough understanding of Dan’s work through a scientific lens and helps explain why these books fascinate millions worldwide.


The methodology involves analyzing Dan Brown’s novel “Inferno” for its impact on readers who believe in the existence of such bioweapons that can be used against the rising human population.


The end results demonstrate Dan Brown’s highly exaggerated depiction of biological sciences and its contributors. The critical analysis reveals biological weapons that might end humanity or create global infertility are nothing but mere fiction. However, the facts regarding the population explosion are true. Secondly, the instigation where a rogue scientist may end humanity or create mass-level infertility paints a dark picture of human powerlessness on this rising issue.


The discussion focuses on using fiction to create mass hysteria about the development of a biological agent that causes infertility. Although the novel’s initial portrayal depicts a pathogen that causes death, the author deliberately hides it from his audience. Confusion led to misunderstanding and, thus, a worldwide search for the scientist. The novel throws light on how the feeling of being powerless pushes us to the limits where the nuance between good and evil becomes thin or vanishes.

Example Conclusion

This discussion demonstrates Dan Brown’s novel “Inferno” and its implications on human psychology and fears. By introducing a mass hysteria about the end of humanity through a biological pathogen, the world unites to end it. Dan critiques the human failure to comprehend the future threats of the proliferation of the human population. He also hints that growing concerns from the scientific community may urge any rogue element to act as divergent and bring the end to humanity or change the status quo.


Here, you may use any citation style that suits your discipline or is advised by your instructor. Mainly, literature and social sciences use MLA (Modern Language Association format. You must follow their guidelines if your instructor or college asks to use APA, AMA, or Chicago/Turabian.


This comprehensive step-by-step guide on the fundamentals of understanding and writing a term paper provides you with sufficient information. Although these steps are easy, they are cumbersome for a few. Using a term paper writing service releases you from this burden and provides you with thorough insights from experts. Use this blog to say goodbye to your academic worries and show your dominance on this subject.

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